In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Sarah Haskins Blow Out

In case you’ve missed them, below are two new Target Women videos for your viewing pleasure.

First up, Lifetime!

(Click here if you can’t view the embedded video.)

You know, I’m sure that the dogs reenacting scenes from famous movies is actually supposed to be a joke on the part of Lifetime (Right? Someone please tell me they’re not serious), but I really do have to agree with Sarah that it ought to be illegal, nonetheless. Somewhere. Soft-core dog porn = so not cool.

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Liveblogging WAM: Sunday Afternoon Session

I’m at “Pulling the Plug on Rape Culture One Word at a Time: Using Accuracy to Undermine Dangerous Attitudes and Injustice,” with Cara Kulwicki, Ashley Burczak, Marcella Chester, and Ashwini Hardikar. Below are some (largely paraphrased) thoughts from the presenters:

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Posted in Uncategorized

Liveblogging WAM: Afternoon Session

I’m at the “The Other Glass Ceiling: We had a woman candidate, but where are the women in the political media?” panel at WAM, featuring Mikki Halpin, Rebecca Traister, and Lisa Stone. I’m paraphrasing their comments here.

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Living Liberally Needs an AIG Bonus… Just a Little One. Please help if you can.

A message from Living Liberally co-director Katrina Baker.

Things are bad, but I don’t have to tell you that. AIG execs are making bank while many people have been out of work for months. Meanwhile, politicians and mainstream media outlets seem suddenly shocked that the public has “rage.” For the last six years, local Living Liberally chapters have found ways for people to channel that rage, build power in their communities, and work together for the world they want to see. But, in the current economic climate – we will have a hard time continuing to support them.

While our political fortunes are up, like almost everyone, our financials are tough right now. We can only cut costs so much, and there are some expenses we need to keep paying to keep this organization running (like our web tools). That’s why we need to turn to the friends that know us best — and ask you for your help.

As a reminder, Living Liberally — the national organization that runs Drinking, Eating, Laughing, Reading, Screening, Crafting & Praying Liberally — is an organization I’ve been co-directing for over 4 years. We went from one chapter of Drinking Liberally in 2003 at Rudy’s bar in Hell’s Kitchen to a few chapters in 2004 to now over 300 chapters in all 50 states and several internationally. These chapters are comprised of ordinary people who do extraordinary work in their communities pushing progressive policies, candidates, and community values. They are teachers, sheriffs, postal workers, bloggers, professors, stay-at-home parents, retirees, and mechanics.

With a staff of two people and an extensive volunteer network, Living Liberally has accomplished a lot with relatively little…however, we do require that “little” to maintain our overloaded website and e-mail system, support our chapters, and be a strong partner to the progressive movement.

And that’s why we need you — join us on Saturday, May 30th for the Living Liberally Annual Fundraiser, our spring celebration that draws together our community, honors our allies, and brings in much needed resources to continue our work

You can get your tickets now at: There are $100, $150 and $250 giving levels; and, if you order now, you can two tickets for just $150 (that’s the community organizer early bird special until March 31).

This year our good friend Sam Seder will be the master of ceremonies as we honor the national watchdog Media Matters, the black political blog Jack & Jill Politics, and Manhattan’s own Borough President Scott Stringer. The event will have food and drink, politicos and pals, and a great chance to help us make a difference.

Every ticket has a big impact on our small operation. Please consider purchasing your ticket now — it will go a long way toward helping us with our work ahead and we’ll have a great time on May 30th.

Get your tickets:

Also, if you’d like to join the host committee, or know an organization that would want to learn about sponsorship options, please let me know.

Finally, every little bit counts – if you can’t make it to the event please still consider making a contribution or buying a Liberal Card or two.

I know it’s hard for a lot of people to give right now, but if you have a stable job, please continue to support your favorite organizations – we all need your help.

Come out Thursday and support GEMS

On Thursday March 26th, the Lovelife Event will be fund-raising for GEMS, an organization that focuses on mentoring and empowering girls who have survived sexual exploitation and assault. Their mission statement:

Girls Educational and Mentoring Services’ (GEMS) mission is to empower young women, ages 12-21, who have experienced sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking to exit the commercial sex industry and develop to their full potential. GEMS is committed to ending commercial sexual exploitation and domestic trafficking of children by changing individual lives, transforming public perception, and revolutionizing the systems and policies that impact sexually exploited youth.

It’s a great organization and a worthy cause, and it’s sure to be a fun event. There’s no minimum donation requirement or pricey table-buying — just show up and give what you can to help young women in need. I’ll definitely be there, and I hope some of you can make it. The details:

No Cover
When: Thursday, March 26th 2009 Doors Open at 9pm
Where: Gallery Bar 120 Orchard St NY, NY 10002 (btwn Rivington & Delancy)
Who: You and everyone you know.
Acception Donations for GEMS at the door.

RSVP by emailing

International Sex Workers Rights Day

Via Amber, today March 3rd is International Sex Workers Rights Day.  SWOP-USA provides some history:

The 3rd of March is International Sex Worker Rights Day. The day originated in 2001 when over 25,000 sex workers gathered in India for a sex worker festival. The organizers, Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee, a Calcutta based group whose membership consists of somewhere upwards of 50,000 sex workers and members of their communities. Sex worker groups across the world have subsequently celebrated 3 March as International Sex Workers’ Rights Day.

Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee (2002): “We felt strongly that that we should have a day what need to be observed by the sex workers community globally. Keeping in view the large mobilization of all types of global sexworkers [Female,Male,Transgender], we proposed to observe 3rd March as THE SEX WORKERS RIGHTS DAY.

Knowing the usual response of international bodies and views of academicians and intellectuals of the 1st world [many of them consider that sex workers of third world are different from 1st world and can’t take their decision] a call coming from a third world country would be more appropriate at this juncture, we believe. It will be a great pleasure to us if all of you observe the day in your own countries too…We need your inspiration and support to turn our dreams into reality.

Check out SWOP-USA for more information on events taking place today, namely a potluck dinner in NYC. They also have information on the specific and most pressing issues affecting sex workers.  In addition to racism/transphobia/sexism/homophobia/poverty, they are: ending violence against sex workers, involving sex workers in the fight against human trafficking, ending stigmatization and discrimination against sex workers, fighting HIV/AIDs, ending the raids/stings against prostitutes and decriminalizing prostitution overall.

If you have more information on events taking place today (or in the near future), also make sure to leave them in the comments!

Posted in Sex

Complicated and Conflicting Thoughts on Bill Baird

The other night, for the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, I attended an event in Rochester, NY with reproductive rights activist Bill Baird.  Until this event, I had never really heard of Bill Baird. I had heard of his famous Supreme Court case, Baird v. Eisenstadt, though I couldn’t cite it by name.  But upon learning who Baird was, I was immediately intrigued.

Who is Bill Baird?  Well, as stated, he was the defendant in Baird v. Eisenstadt, a very important case that not many people know.  Baird v. Eisenstadt built off of the famous Griswold v. Connecticut case, which said that the right to privacy means it is unconstitutional to outlaw contraception for married people, to rule that the same was true for unmarried people.  The case came up after Baird was arrested for giving contraceptive foam to a single 19-year-old woman (who was, at the time, considered a minor).  The decision contains the famous and significant line “If the right of privacy means anything, it is the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child.”  Importantly, its conclusions regarding privacy are the basis for the Roe v. Wade decision, where it is quoted several times, as well as the gay rights ruling Lawrence v. Texas.

Baird has been arrested 8 times in 5 different states for lecturing on birth control, including once where he was accused of endangering a minor because there was a 14-month-old infant in the audience.  He claims both to have introduced the first gay rights bill in 1969, and to have set up the nation’s first abortion clinic, illegally.  He is on anti-choice hit lists, has had a bullet come through his living room window, and had his health clinic firebombed by an anti-choice zealot.  He was also the defendant in the important Belotti v. Baird Supreme Court decision, which struck down a strict Massachusetts parental consent laws for minors seeking abortions.  Throughout all of it, he was refused the help of reproductive rights organizations, and publicly mocked and condemned not only by them but by prominent feminists such as Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem.

I learned all of this during his talk, and much, much more, which I am still turning over in my head.

Baird is, in a word, eccentric.  Of course, there’s a lot more to say about him than that.  After all, if the only thing you can say about a person is “he’s eccentric,” you’re almost certainly using the word wrong.

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Yes Means Yes TONIGHT at KGB Bar

Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power and A World Without Rape is on tour, and is having its launch party tonight at KGB Bar in Manhattan. I’ll be reading, along with Jaclyn Friedman, Jessica Valenti, Brad Perry, Rachel Kramer Bussel, Anastasia Higginbotham & Thomas Millar.

The reading starts at 7pm. KGB Bar is on East 4th between 2nd Ave and Bowery. Hope to see some of you there!

And if you’ve read Yes Means Yes, we would love it if you’d review us on Amazon.