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11 thoughts on Catholic Priest Faces Excommunication

  1. Recent popes have said the Roman Catholic Church cannot ordain women because Christ chose only males as apostles.

    In other news, all cars must be black, because the Ford Model T was only available in black.

  2. Recent popes have said the Roman Catholic Church cannot ordain women because Christ chose only males as apostles.

    Recent smartasses have said that the Roman Catholic Church cannot ordain Roman Catholics because Christ chose only Jews as apostles.

  3. The National Catholic Reporter (independent progressive newspaper has many good articles about Fr. Roy and the movement for women’s ordination, the most recent is here:

    Best quote cited in the article:

    “Would that the church had acted with equal swiftness against sexually abusive priests. Would that bishops who had moved abusive priests from parish to parish were met with the same severity of justice.”

  4. Srsly. They don’t excommunicate molestors. They’ll excommunicate people who help get an eleven-year-old rape victim an abortion, but won’t excommunicate her rapist (I bet he even said that he was “really sorry”). Churches in general baffle me, and I’m a Christian, so go figure.

  5. And I’m sure they’ll be threatening his order, the Maryknolls, next. That’s generally the way things go. That’s what they did to Sr. Jeannine Grammik. She ended up having to switch orders. They tried it with Sr. Joan Chittester, but her order sent back a polite refusal to acquiesce to the Vatican’s demands.

    And this is one of the main reasons why I am no longer Catholic. I couldn’t in good conscience remain part of a group who would treat people like this. The election of Ratzinger as Pope offended me so badly.

    That’s ok, though. I’m really happier as a pagan anyway. Except we don’t have nuns. Then again, we do have Starhawk *grins*.

  6. Srsly. They don’t excommunicate molestors

    No fucking shit. In the 50’s my mom in Reno knew about the mission outside of town where …bad shit happened. People just knew to keep their kids away from the place. It’s my understanding this “priests don’t fuck” (Paul had a wife ,yes?) thing originated with the fact that in Italy children got primacy when inheritances were figured… SO duh, get rid of inheritances, and all the priests’ property went to the church. FUCKING DUH.

  7. Maritzia as someone who came from a place where a lot of pagans live (OR), and has a lot of friends who are pagan/wicca; Rock On. That is all 😉

  8. More about OR; You fish, you hunt, you fuck, but you don’t generally call an authority figure. So these people who want to call the cops…. OK that’s your deal. Where I’m from, MF fucks kids, he disappears.
    I realize everywhere is not like that. But we don’t call 5-0. We take care of our own. Are other places like that?

  9. Recent popes have said the Roman Catholic Church cannot ordain women because Christ chose only males as apostles.

    The doctrinal reason is that the priest plays the part of Christ in the Mass, and Christ is male.

    The fact that they equivocate and can’t seem to remember the actual reason, means that they are starting to crack, which is a pretty good sign. Still, as slow as the Church moves, this will still take eons to happen, so please keep the pressure on.

    This priest needs to be made a bishop for this! 🙂

  10. Christ and the Apostles were male, but they were also able-bodied, Jewish, and Middle-Eastern, and yet only being male (and having the “right” beliefs/learning) is required for ordination. And taking vows of celibacy, which the Apostles did not, as some of them were married.

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