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Stay of Execution For Troy Davis

I just got this email from Amnesty International, filled with delightful news:

I am delighted to share some good news with you! Troy Davis received a stay of execution based on a new last-minute appeal filed this past Wednesday to the federal appeals court in Atlanta. As a result, he will not be executed on Monday, October 27th, as originally scheduled.

Your action has succeeded in putting a spotlight on Troy’s case worldwide and bringing about this victory. At least 300,000 individuals have written letters in support of Troy. Additionally, prominent leaders such as former President Jimmy Carter, the Pope, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu have all called for justice in this case.

Yesterday, Amnesty International organized a Global Day of Action in which hundreds of activists in dozens of countries around the world came together to stand in solidarity for Troy. From Atlanta to Seattle, New York to Paris and Milan– hundreds of supporters gathered at rallies wearing T-shirts and holding signs that read “I am Troy Davis.” On Wednesday, the European Legislature issued a statement calling for Troy’s execution to be halted.

While we pause to celebrate this good news, we cannot forget that Troy still faces the very real possibility of execution—despite the fact that no physical evidence tied him to the 1989 murder of a police officer in Savannah, GA, and that 7 of the 9 eyewitnesses have since recanted their testimony.

This case has taken many twists and turns. On September 12th, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles denied clemency for Troy Anthony Davis, and scheduled his execution for September 23rd. The U.S. Supreme Court stayed Davis’ execution just hours before it was scheduled to take place. But in deciding not to hear his case, the court lifted its stay and a new execution date was set for Monday, October 27th.

We now await the decision of the federal appeals court, which will determine whether Troy’s case warrants a new hearing. We believe their ruling could happen at any time during the next month.

I want to thank you again for playing such an essential part in Amnesty International’s efforts to bring justice for Troy Davis. That’s why I hope you’ll take a minute right now to join Amnesty International and help us keep up this fight.

To stay informed about Troy Davis’ case and to find out how to take additional actions, please visit:

In solidarity,

Sue Gunawardena-Vaughn
Director, Death Penalty Abolition Campaign
Amnesty International USA

And so, yet again, we wait . . . and hope that finally, one of our courts does the right thing.

Previous Feministe coverge of Troy Davis here, here, here and here.

3 thoughts on Stay of Execution For Troy Davis

  1. Thank goodness. Let us all hope that he can receive justice. What this man is going through is tortures and I don’t understand how it does not fall under the category of cruel and inhumane. To have a death date set and canceled is horrible for his psyche. They need to just issue a permanent stay and give him a new trial.

  2. I’m happy to see that he’s been stayed and hope to see the right final conclusion for him. I learned most of my activist tactics from being involved with the anti-death penalty movement in Georgia; those folks are very dedicated to the cause. I’m always especially happy to see a victory for them.

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