In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Hummer Owners: Sanctimonious Fools?

All signs point to yes.

Also, really, I understand that it’s trendy these days to justify all sorts of assery with appeals to “freedom,” but good God.

13 thoughts on Hummer Owners: Sanctimonious Fools?

  1. Hummers, hell. I hate SUVs in general. I hate them with the passion of a million white-hot suns. They guzzle gas, hog the road, block everyone else’s view and make parking a nightmare. Plus about half of them are driven by jackasses who have no idea how to drive or park, and who figure that if they block your view or crowd you out of a driveway, it’s your problem.

    Sorry for the rant. I almost got dinged by one an hour ago, something that happens to me at least twice a week.

  2. “Hummer enthusiasts are not only innocent but also heroic”

    Hummers are Randian. “I don’t give a shit about the greater good, it’s all about how IIIIII feel.” Innocent? “Heroic”? Because you can afford a pretty much useless utility that consumes conspicuously? Vomit.

  3. I always picture an Iraq War veteran sitting in a bus shelter, while some chickenhawk in a Hummer cruises by.

  4. I can’t decide who is more sanctimonious – Hummer drivers or Prius drivers. It is like trying to determine who is more not funny – Garrison Keillor or the Car Talk guys.

  5. Hey, I don’t know if those avatars are randomly assigned or what, but mine (from first comment) is perfect. Can I keep it?

  6. the article tom pointed out seems to ignore one large factor in the equation: puppy mills. i foster dogs and i have to agree, they may take up a lot of resources, but it’s wrong to assume it’s pet-owners’ fault for (or want in doing) this. what needs to be done is to eradicate this idea of a designer pet, and discourage the adoption of any animal solely for its… cute name? many people don’t know how to take care of a dog either, and abandon those pooches who don’t lean immediately. this creates a higher demand, more street dogs, and a lot more dead birds. unfortunately for dogs, humans seem to only be able to tackle one task at a time, and these issues are not high-priority.

  7. these days, with rising gas prices that will probably never go back down too far, more than anything i am inclined to laugh at the morons who thought buying Hummers and other mega-gas guzzlers was even remotely a good idea.

    RacyT: yes, agreed that Hummers go perfectly with the mindset of Ayn Rand and her Cult of Personality. I think she passed away long before Hummers were available to the public, otherwise i am sure she would have owned at least one.

    NinjaNurse: yep, you make a good point too! Most Hummer drivers probably never had to experience the horrors of war first hand, and so think that war is some kind of fun video game, and not the very real matter of life and death that it is. Kind of like Little King Georgie Bush, who liked to strut around in military gear while sending other people to do the actual killing and dying.

  8. Around here–south Minneapolis, neighborhood with a lot of recent immigrants and people of color–is that some folks driving SUVs (occasionally Hummers) seem to drive them to say “I’ve made it” or “I’m doing the proper American thing” or even “here’s a poke in the snoot to you, white Americans, who think that a person of color can’t own a giant expensive car”. I mean, I hate SUVs desperately and I know a lot of SUV drivers are self-righteous jerks, but there’s some other stuff going on too.

  9. Oh no, don’t knock the doggies! I agree with bali li, it depends on where you get your pet. And anyone who wants to make me feel bad about my dog better not have kids.

  10. I agree with Bitter Scribe 100%.

    Within the next 24 months, we’ll easily see $5.00/gallon unleaded nationwide.

    But these booger-eating morons with their SUV’s just don’t get it.

    Does the word C-H-I-N-A mean anything to them? Probably not.

  11. I can’t decide who is more sanctimonious – Hummer drivers or Prius drivers.

    My mom owns a Prius, and one time we parked it right between a Hummer and an equally huge boat of an SUV. It looked hilarious, so we took a photo and felt righteous for the next half hour. Which is to say, I don’t know who’s more sanctimonious. :p (But I *do* know who has to stop for gas every 100 miles!)

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