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The Man Behind the Obama Smears Also Supports Tort Reform*

You know when the New York Times describes you as “a prodigious filer of law suits,” it’s only going to go downhill** — especially when the caption to your picture is “Andy Martin is known for filing many lawsuits.” His mother must be proud.

[Anyone for a game of “Is it real news or is it the Onion?”]

But this guy apparently has credibility among the FreeRepublic crowd: He’s appeared on Fox News — on Hannity’s America and in a documentary-style program where he pushed the lie that Obama was trained to overthrow the government — and he’s quoted as an expert in some right-wing propaganda rags. His Fox segment was watched by 3 million people. He’s the one who started the Obama-is-a-Muslim smear.

So who are the right-wingers relying on for their information about Barack Obama? Well, among Andy Martin’s accomplishments:

-Graduating law school, but having his Illinois bar admission blocked after a psychiatric finding of “moderately severe character defect manifested by well-documented ideation with a paranoid flavor and a grandiose character.”

-Running for president twice, and running for public office on both parties’ tickets in at least three states (and losing every time).

-Being the inspiration for the CBS documentary “See You in Court; Civil War, Anthony Martin Clogs Legal System with Frivolous Lawsuits,” about his prodigious lawsuit-filing.

-Filing so many law suits that a federal judge barred him from filing any more without preliminary approval. At least one of those suits was filed against the chairman of the Florida Republican Party, for not supporting Mr. Martin

-Running for Congress with the purpose of, among other things, “exterminat[ing] Jew power.”

-Claiming to care about the potential threat that “Muslim” Obama would pose to Israel, while calling a judge “a crooked, slimy Jew who has a history of lying and thieving common to members of his race,” and making charming comments like “I am able to understand how the Holocaust took place, and with every passing day feel less and less sorry that it did” and “Jews, historically and in daily living, act through clans and in wolf pack syndrome.”

This guy’s press releases go on the front page of right-wing websites like FreeRepublic; he goes on Fox News, where his opinion is taken seriously; and he is a featured “expert” in several right-wing books.

Once you’re done laughing, are you a little bit scared?

*Not really, but it would be funny.
**Or uphill, I suppose, depending on your view of these things.

7 thoughts on The Man Behind the Obama Smears Also Supports Tort Reform*

  1. Denying the Holocaust happened: Makes you the president of Iran.

    Not caring that the Holocaust happened: Makes you an expert in conservative politics!

    And to me, I think not feeling sympathy for the people who suffered and died during the Holocaust is much worse than denying that it happened. Of course, both are bad.

  2. While we’re on the subject, don’t forget about Sarah Palin including a warm-fuzzy quote about small towns from Westbrook Pegler in her speech at the Republican convention. Pegler lost his newspaper column after declaring at a rally that the Jews who perished in the Holocaust deserved to die because they were all Communists.

    Nice company the GOP is keeping.

  3. Wow. That guy is a piece of work…

    Otoh, “wolf pack syndrome” sounds a little bit awesome*. It’s like the basis for a cheesy fantasy/romance novel or something. Ya know, one of the ones with lots of sex. And maybe werewolves. :p

    *when not used for sociopathic anti-Semitism, obviously.

  4. Supports tort reform in that he wants to reform the court system to remove the ban placed on him by a judge to prevent him from bringing further law suits.

  5. “He’s the one who started the Obama-is-a-Muslim smear.”

    This is a poor–if frequently used–choice of words. Being called a Muslim is only a smear if you believe that being a Muslim is a bad thing. Otherwise, it’s a rumor, not a smear; it doesn’t sully a person’s reputation.

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