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Pardon me

But when I am hopped up on pain killers (OH NOES!) I get babbly.

So we’ve all at least heard of John McCain’s campaign ad mixing images of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears in with images of Barack Obama while calling him a “celebrity,” right? I think we can agree for the most part on all the racist and misogynistic bs wrapped up in that, so we’re just going to move right on, because I’ve got something awesome here for you. Paris hits back!


Loves it.

41 thoughts on Pardon me

  1. I really can’t stand Paris Hilton, but that was perfect.

    I’ll see you at the debates, bitches.

  2. Um… bad energy policy. The oil from off-shore drilling wouldn’t hit the market for a few years yet and by the time it does we need to be kicking the oil habit. Not to mention the fact that there’s no such thing as environmentally responsible drilling, and we’ve had tax incentives for alternative energy for a while. We need direct investment.

  3. Um… bad energy policy.

    Which was totally the point of the ad, and not that the woman is tired of being held up as the embodiment of unseriousness, I’m sure.

  4. God help me, but I always had this sneaking admiration for Paris Hilton. I mean, anyone who manages to cobble a highly paid career out of going to parties can’t be all bad.

    Funny stuff. I’m glad to see her getting off some return fire.

  5. I think I’m willing to give Paris the benefit of the doubt here and say that perhaps she actually does know a thing or two about politics. Well, she was smart enough, at least, to agree to do this hilarious mock campaign ad.

    I think you all are going to have to revoke my “feminist card” for liking Paris Hilton. I mean, that was probably the best thing I’ve seen all week.

  6. For what it’s worth, I’ll note Paris has been out of the tabloid eye for a while now, at least, compared to its peak a few years ago.

    Shallow and obnoxious, sure, but I don’t know if she’s done anything in particular that makes her seem dumb. She didn’t, say, invade Iraq.

  7. I’m not loving the ageism in this ad, but it’s about time Paris stood up for herself. Yes, she’s got many flaws, but there are many young untalented men who party all the time (Brandon Davis, for one) and they aren’t held up as a sign of the collapse of civilization. Plus, it seems that the main criticism about Paris is either her appearance or how much sex she has, and we can all agree it’s sexist to judge a woman based on that, or to call her a slut etc.

  8. anna:

    I’ll say it: Brandon “Firecrotch” Davis’s mere existance is a sign of the collapse of civilization.

    And, I heart Paris Hilton (never thought I’d say that)!

  9. anna — yeah, the intro was def. grating. I wish they’d’ve just started the bit where Paris comes in — it would have been just as strong, if not stronger.

    It’s also definitely a smart career move for her, lol. You have to admire it.

  10. I get why people are annoyed with the ageism in the fake ad, but to be fair, I think it’s meant as a reaction to the original (McCain) ad’s implication that Obama is too young (“inexperienced”) to lead, right?

    In any case, I’m digging the idea of a Pink House… and all that *could* imply. Paris for President!

  11. She may not be a role model, but does she ever have the business savvy to know the strength of good marketing. I normally laugh AT her, but this time, I’m definitely laughing WITH her.

  12. Jen, I’d rather revoke the feminist card of the people who call her a bimbo and a whore, either directly or in coded language. The passion with which women hate her disturbs me. She’s definitely got some character flaws — there’s a video on YouTube where she’s dropping the n-word like it’s going out of style — but we don’t need to drag out the usual misogynistic saws when criticizing her.

    Also, this video is awesome. She’s not a terrible actress.

  13. Is it calling her a bimbo to say you don’t like her because she purposely pretends to be stupid?

    That being said, this ad is great.

  14. I actually like Paris Hilton, it’s pretty obvious shes not a dumb ass. You’d have to be an actual idiot to think ANY body is that stupid.

  15. I’ve never LOVED her, but I always thought the Paris-bashing was as un-feminist as all get out. Especially the hate-filled stuff I always hear about her using her body and the dumb-blonde schtick to get money/publicity. As every feminist knows, this is a pretty common tool women/girls use to gain SOME semblance of status and respect. Men tear down women/girls like Paris all day every day, and I’d rather not partake in those conversations. I’d much rather analyze her public image (where it came from and why) than vilify her for it.
    /self-righteous rant

    So anyways…
    This video kicks ass!

  16. I actually like Paris Hilton, it’s pretty obvious shes not a dumb ass. You’d have to be an actual idiot to think ANY body is that stupid.

    Agree with your point that Paris Hilton’s dumbass persona is an act and she’s far smarter than she’s willing to let on publicly.

    Disagree with the second sentence as I’ve encountered far too many people who are actually that stupid….ranging from one college classmate whose attempts to explain his Pro-environmental position rapidly deteriorated into confused incoherence and mindless nonsensical babbling….and he was stone-cold sober at the time… some random co-workers I’ve had to work with in my first startup jobs.

  17. Misstickle, I get the feeling the “bitches” was done in that more wholesome “appropriation” way at the end, although I’m the last person to assume Paris is a feminist. I thought it accentuated the underlying “I’m aware and in control.”

    I, too, felt the ageism was deliberate, but I don’t think any of us know the real Paris, so it’s hard to say.

    It’s just such a beautiful and appropriate middle finger to John McCain. I would have been content with her parents taking their money back, but this is a million times more delicious.

  18. I think I’m willing to give Paris the benefit of the doubt here and say that perhaps she actually does know a thing or two about politics. Well, she was smart enough, at least, to agree to do this hilarious mock campaign ad.

    I think you all are going to have to revoke my “feminist card” for liking Paris Hilton. I mean, that was probably the best thing I’ve seen all week.

    I, of course, am in no position to judge who deserves a feminist card or not.

    But you know what? I’ve always been quite sure that the public image Paris Hilton has, is an intentional caricature. She’s probably a reasonably smart girl, who’s figured out how to make money exploiting the phony dumb blonde image.

  19. My problem with Paris Hilton is that she – like Brandon Davis – has had every advantage in the world, is clearly reasonably intelligent (this may be where she and Davis differ), and purposely chose to make a living pretending to be a shallow, self-absorbed moron. Hopefully, this is a sign that she has chosen to actually do something useful… or at least entertaining. I, for one, am willing to give her a chance.

  20. How is McCain’s ad racist and sexist? I don’t see that at all, however Hilton’s ad, even though it’s meant to be funny, offends me in the way she portrays herself as a dumb girl reading magazines about haircare, sunbathing in a bikini and all her teen speak.

    I’m no fan of McCain but just because she’s against him I don’t see why she should be getting all this praise heaped upon what to me is clearly an antifeminist ad.

    Come someone please tell me why the McCain ad is racist? I’ve only seen that small clip posted with the article on youtube because I’m not in the US.

  21. Come someone please tell me why the McCain ad is racist? I’ve only seen that small clip posted with the article on youtube because I’m not in the US.

    If you’re not in the US you may not be aware that this country has a long history of white paranoia about black men ravishing “our” white women. Tens of thousands of black men have been strung up in trees for simply looking at a white woman.

    Some people think the ad, which features the juxtaposition of a black man who is suggested to be an “uppity” celebrity in the ad, with two scantily clad young white women, and three phallic symbols, to be subliminal race baiting.

  22. I have heard and read a little about that but I think referencing it to this ad is a bit hysterical (although I hate using this word). I think it’s more trying to show him as trivial because the celebrities shown are presented and present themselves as being trivial people..I think it’s trying to show him as not serious…

  23. Hysterical, letigre? Mmmm, bad choice of words.

    But aside from that, yeah, looks like a little bit of race-baiting to me.

  24. Ugh. I’m disturbed that many people are all over Paris for this stupid video. OHH BIG DEAL!!! SHE SOUNDS “SMART”!!!!

    She did NOT make up any of the lines, and I don’t care how many times she tries to sound smart. she is stupid, racist and homophobic, and I HATE HER WITH PASSION.

    I am disgusted that this worthless human being is still allowed to be famous and getting yet another TV show when the whoel world have heard her saying the N word and homophobic words on camera.

    WTF, Feministe?????????????

  25. Don’t blame Feministe too much; I am guestblogging here. As for why I liked the video: it pokes a great gaping hole in the misogynistic dismissals of Paris (who, no, did not write what she spoke, but who was smart enough to take the offer to act it, and who isn’t as stupid as she is portrayed) as a stupid, frivolous, superficial, “celebrity.” It takes away that “celebrity” trope, and all that is wrapped up in it, as a (sexist) criticism to be used against Obama (against whom the criticism takes on racist overtones as well). And it takes a well deserved shot at McCain.

    I’m not a Paris groupie; I honestly don’t pay much attention to celebrity culture and pop culture, tho’ I’ve heard of the “n” video and it disgusted me too. I hope this video being posted isn’t taken as an endorsement for Hilton herself because, well, yeah, I’m not touching that, thanks.

  26. Wow, I was unaware of the “n” word video. I’ll take back my offer to give her a second chance. There is no excuse for a white person to use that word – ever!

  27. DFP: that’s right, as a result of this post, Feministe now totally endorses Paris Hilton and is putting her on our Women We Love list.


  28. I don’t don’t understand how you can be criticising the McCain video when the Paris response video is clearly worse!

    Every time I come back to Feministe the posts are getting worse and worse. I’m gonna hang out at feministing from now on, it’s way less hypocritical.

    If anyone can recommend me any feminist blogs similar to feministing, please do!

  29. Is the term “race-baiting” supposed to offend me less than “hysterical?” I think it actually offends me more.

    Hilarious video.

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