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“Exhaustion” Is Fair

Ethan regaled the finer points of tornado drills in the car this afternoon. They have to go out in the hall, he said, and kneel in front of their lockers with their hands over their heads. And when the teacher calls their names, they must say “here” or “present.” I asked him if he knew what “present” means, thinking of explaining the ultimate coolness of synonyms. “Present,” he said, “is when we have a president.”

I giggled. It’s too bad our president isn’t present himself. Nonetheless, we did touch on homophones even if the example at hand isn’t a homophone at all.


It’s fair to say that I’m exhausted. For several weeks, I’ve been resisting the urge to say I have mono. Or maybe I’m just bored.

Although I continue reading blogs, I’m having a hard time coming up with my own words and leave my own posts half-finished and sloppy. I’d rather nap and knit and cook things in my filthy kitchen that will get cleaned this weekend goddammit along with the rest of the house. But I feel so lazy and distant, unable to connect with the tasks at hand. I was able to finagle a load of free time for myself this past week and spent most of it asleep or working furiously away on looming deadlines.

As of late, if I could sleep 18 hours a day I would. Is this better than the insomnia?

3 thoughts on “Exhaustion” Is Fair

  1. I hope it’s not mono. I’ve had that before and it’s exhausting. Here’s hoping you feel better soon.

    If you’re really not up to cleaning, just vacuum the floor. You’d be surprised how clean the house will look if you do that one thing.

  2. I, too, hope that it’s not mono, but I have to say that anything is better than insomnia. There is nothing worse than not being able to sleep for days at a time and then finally passing out from sheer exhaustion only to wake up 20 minutes later. If we merged our sleep disorders we’d have a normal sleep pattern 🙂

  3. Me thinks it may be just project done time to recharge. I know projects keep me up and when they are done there is nothing pressing but the zen of life. Perseverence as the I Ching places it.

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