In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

April Fools

Just so you know, this was the project I’ve been working on.

And, I’m available for web design.

12 thoughts on April Fools

  1. Both of you did real great, and that was a mighty surprise when I checked in Rox Populi this morning. You probably put a lotta work into it, but the result is worth it. Kudos ‘n’ all.

    Next time someone asks where the women bloggers are, tell them Michelle Maklin!

  2. I went to cheepoka and clciked on the link she had set up, I came back to her site and asked her why on earth would Michelle have Liberal adds. Something just did not add up. That was really great!

  3. wow, that was really impressive. that site is too good to throw out after today. you really must store it away somewhere for the sake of posterity

    and do you know if the real MM has seen it?

  4. Holy craptown that was great.
    And it made Wonkette. Neat!
    I liked the ads best, particularly Bush for Bush. Hot.

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