In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Have at it.

(The Rules: Post a link — or several — to a post or posts you’ve written recently, and give a short description of the post. Don’t just link to your entire blog — make it specific).

59 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. This week I have been writing about the system humiliation and objectification of former Big Brother contestants here. (I have got more traffic than usual, from people searching for Big Brother Boobs.)

    How I have gone a bit loopy for babies here.

    And about sexual violence and women killed in Glasgow recently here, and here.

  2. I wrote a late Mother’s day post a little while ago as well as a post about me being transsexual and my relationship to my body. Specifically as a response to the folks that think that since I’m having sex pre-surgeries I can’t really be trans*.
    And here’s a fun meme I did. ^.^

  3. I’ve been trying to do more history research and yesterday’s Juneteenth celebration got me thinking a bit on the history of racism and sexism in the city’s workplace which is quite extensive. It’s part of a series.

    My blog post

  4. In Fat Black Women lets got there, I dissect the approach that fat people don’t realize the health issues involved with weight and the fact concern shown by others is actually away of uplifting the self-esteem of the skinny person rather than the heavy person.

    In womanism – the we instead of me, I examine the ways in which feminism has neglected women of color. It examines feminist history to point out a legacy of betrayal leading to the fact that sexist and racist comments aimed at Michelle Obama were ignored by mainstream feminism.

  5. It isn’t a writing thing, but I will shamelessly promote Figment, and specifically Emergence. If you’re in NYC, come check it out. Completely free, non-commercial art, especially on this scale, is difficult to do in NYC, and we put a lot of work into the project. Governors Island is beautiful, too, and lots of visitors don’t even know it is there.

  6. I’m going to shamelessly promote someone else. This post is the most powerful piece of writing I’ve come across in quite some time (of course I haven’t read anything here yet!). In it, Julie Buffaloe-Yoder writes about the response of the editor of a literary journal to a poem she had submitted on the subject of rape. The editor was a pig but Julie gets her own back with this piece of writing that includes a very powerful poem about NOT writing a rape poem. Here she is:

  7. I took a stab at writing down my frustrations with Clinton supporters using feminism as their framework. I did a terrible job of trying to point out that die-hard Clinton supporters represent a divide in feminism which we have seen before.

  8. First I want to thank you for a great blog! I haven’t commented before, but I read here regularly and have Feministe on my blogroll.

    I’ve been working on a series called Getting To Know You, in which I address some of the questions, concerns and misconceptions about online and long distance relationships – a topic of personal interest to me.

    I also wrote about how ridiculous it is to call someone a bigot for making factual observations. That one is called Truth Is Not Bigotry.

    Thanks again for an excellent blog and for the opportunity to plug mine.

  9. hysperia, thanks for posting that…really powerful. I wanted to add that it should come with a trigger warning.

  10. Normally I’d link a more political post, but right now I’m busy trying to get together financial aid for school. (I want to teach kids with learning disabilities! I’m totally a good cause!) I hope it’s okay for me to post the following plea for help with a scholarship contest:

    Just to keep things on-topic, I wrote a long rumination on the role of men in the feminist movement about a week ago, too:

  11. Thanks Charity, you’re right. Is there a way to get the trigger warning into my comment back there? If so, I don’t know how.

    Some great reading here. Thanks all.

  12. In “Dispatch from the welfare state,” I wrote about trying to find free daycare for the child of a young refugee client (so my client can go to school), and some asshole replied to my post by saying he doesn’t want to “pay for a reward her bad decisions.” Oh yeah, and she’s a child herself in this case.

    Then, in a post titled “The US Government on Iraqi refugees: Statements so stupid I’m physically in pain,” I vented about how utterly, utterly stupid and confused our government’s response to the Iraqi refugee crisis has been.

  13. Here’s a bit of a selection from The Hand Mirror:

    Anna McM on the “morality” of being thin.

    Anjum with a different take on the French case around annulling a marriage on the grounds that the bride wasn’t a virgin.

    Maia examines the (possibly faux) remorse of one of New Zealand’s most notorious rapists.

    And I’ve written about the air-brushing in Big Cosmetic advertising, surely it’s false advertising?

    Thanks for the opportunity. And big ups to the Hoydens for starting off the Down Under Feminists Carnival too, it is bonza ๐Ÿ˜‰

  14. I haven’t been updating as much as usual, but here are a few of the last blogs I have posted in my gender relations blog.

    BEWARE EVERYONE … a look at 50s media propaganda about women (who should have a constant fear of men) and homosexual men. A comparison of the media and propaganda now versus then.

    Teeth // Is Your Vagina Protected … a movie review and in depth analysis of a reverse rape culture horror film with rebuttals to arguments that the film is pure misandry.

    Genderblind College Policies … a look at a FOX newscast about genderblind college rooming process. Republicans versus logic.

  15. I just started my blog last night after doing a whole smackload of reading on AlterNet and this site. Today’s post, my first “real” post, concerned a quiz that is supposed to ultimately tell you what your religious beliefs are. I found my results quite interesting, and perhaps you will too…

    Unitarian Universalist, apparently.

  16. Lottie, i visited your blog and wanted to leave feedback on your Truth is not Bigotry post but your blog does not allow comments unless you have a wordpress account – any way you’d want to reconsider that? if not, no worries ๐Ÿ™‚

    I enjoyed the blog and hope you see this comment here ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. I talked about how Hillary Clinton supporters need to vote for Obama now, in the same way many Jason Castro fans who vowed to no longer vote helped David Cook win American Idol this past season. Surprisingly, I had to do some damage control after a few Taylor Hicks fans were less than pleased with my hyperbole.

  18. feministgal:

    Thanks for the nice word about my blog. Glad you enjoyed it. I’ve changed the settings so you don’t need a WordPress account to comment.

    I appreciate your interest. Take care! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. I’m kind of new to blogging, and my blog is more of a personal thing, but I have a new post that is pretty political and involves my recent experiences of racism at the laundry store and at home.

  20. As the first post for my new blog Cerebelle, I posted my in-depth analysis of the costume changes Judy and Casey had between Guitar Heroes II and III. In it, I discuss what’s sexist about the changes, why they’re sexist, and what I believe is the reason behind the decision to change their clothes.

    It’s a budding blog, so thank you to those who pay me a visit!

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