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Projects, Illness, Etc.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Open Blog Wednesday! We had some awesome posts here, and if I get some time, will highlight them individually.

I’ve been busy completing a Super Top Secret Web Project that will be all of cool, awesome, and funny, in addition to taking care of E who has been sick with an unidentifiable fever for the last 2-3 weeks. Since no one can decide what is going on, I have officially diagnosed it as either hay fever or ebola.

In the meantime, I’m still seeking submissions for the project I outlined yesterday. Other topics I’m thinking of having people cover are how to start and maintain a container garden, ways to find cheap everythings, and technological innovations that help us circumvent or cut down on monthly bills. I’ve had a few takers already and am trying to figure out how we’ll do this in an egalitarian manner.

As soon as this and a few other projects are done, I will be back to my regular blogging schedule.

2 thoughts on Projects, Illness, Etc.

  1. someone’s prolly already suggested this but Freecycle seems like a cool idea & has already netted a few of my friends free (yes, free!) bits of niftiness (e.g., couch, a TV, a beer brewing kit, etc.)

    there’s some good beginning info on container gardening at Seeds of Change (which is also just an excellent organization)

    & while not container gardening per se, i know of more than a few folk who speak highly of Mr. Bartholomew’s Square Foot Gardening

    & lastly, one of the cooler gardening books i know of: Carrots Love Tomatoes & it’s sequel Roses Love Garlic are both highly recommended

    i am sorry to hear that the E-Man is down with the flu – i myself have been subject to an an intercostal muscle sprain, so i can commiserate.. giv him my symathies

  2. Freecycle is an OUTSTANDING suggestion..especially for garden stuff. Last year I scored a bunch of Iris rhizomes and some nice clay pots.

    Whatever you do, don’t shop for gardening stuff at Home Depot, Lowe’s or Walmart. Stay away from Target, too. Take some time to find good, local nurseries who shade blue, if possible. I live in one of the largest nursery growing regions in the US…and it can sometimes be tough. Sometimes you have to pay a little more and sometimes it’s not terribly convenient. But it’s worth it knowing that one passion (gardening) is serving another (blue politics).

    Gardening is one of my great loves and I do quite a bit of container gardening. The links above are great suggestions. To get started though…it’s a good idea to know your USDA zone.

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