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8 thoughts on When fanboys attack

  1. Fuck, I stink out loud at both of those sports. If you’ll excuse me, I guess I have to go turn in my testicles to the local authorities. (Though maybe Matthews and Fineman will give me a pass on the basketball thing ’cause I’m white.)

  2. Oh, and also, re: the “macho” comment – I’m reminded of the (very principled) comments NOW made months ago about how sexist campaign coverage has had a negative impact on all the Democratic candidates, examining how the media has posited, in so many ways, these questions as if they had any merit to them whatsoever: Is Hillary Clinton’s voice grating? Is John Edwards too feminine? Is Barack Obama’s wife emasculating? Is Al Gore too fat to run for president?


  3. Oh, I didn’t hear about the “emasculating wife” meme. How is she emasculating–because she voices opinions of her own?

  4. Oh, I didn’t hear about the “emasculating wife” meme. How is she emasculating–because she voices opinions of her own?

    There was an op-ed by Maureen Dowd a while back–maybe last summer?–where she said that Michelle Obama was emasculating because she publicly said that she has to tell Barack to pick up his socks or he snores or something similar. I.e. she admitted that her husband is human and not perfect, oh noez!

  5. I don’t think they like Obama. I think they like to pick on the Democratic front runner. When it was Clinton, they were conveniently kind to Obama. Now that it’s Obama, he’s the target.

    Interestingly, both of them are subject to a similar attack: Being called a woman.

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