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What if you threw a party on Stained Blue Dress Day and nobody came?

Stay classy, Brian Ross and the ABC News Investigative Team.

The wankers at ABC adding their wankstains to the Blue Dress

Screencap image swiped with permission from Liss.

I really don’t know what to say at this point. Unbeknownst to me, yesterday was not actually the fifth anniversary of our invasion of Iraq, but Wank Day, as our mainstream media pored through the 11,000 pages of records from Hillary Clinton’s eight years as First Lady and grabbed the Lubriderm.

Oh, yes, boys and girls, it must have felt so good to be able to trot out the Blue Dress and add new, fresh wankstains to it. Thing’s more stain than dress at this point, what with being used as a receptacle for the splooge of a media desperate for ways to revive the Lewinsky scandal and remind everyone that Hillary Clinton’s husband cheated on her! Right under her nose!

(The WSJ, OTOH, would like to remind you that she’s a murderer, even if she wasn’t in the area when Vince Foster was killed.)

Message to the media: if you really want to relive the Clinton era, you might want to reach a little further back and this little mantra in mind: “It’s the economy, stupid.”

25 thoughts on What if you threw a party on Stained Blue Dress Day and nobody came?

  1. This is infuriating. The media is not doing IT’S JOB!! Instead it’s informing us, via “investigative reports” that Hillary Clinton was frequently at her home whilst living there.

  2. “The president must always be depicted as smart, tall, muscular and handsome, and preferably shown riding a horse or ATV through rugged terrain, unless, of course, he’s a weak-willed Democrat.” (And the president is always a “he” because “Women can’t control their hormones.”) That’s from The Department of Homeland Decency: Decency Rules and Regulations Manual. It’s a hilarious satire of the last eight years or so and maybe will make it easier to respond to all of these insults, idiocies and inanities.

  3. Yeah, I had a major “WTF?” moment with that. Seriously, you have her health care plan, her support for NAFTA, and any involvement in welfare reform to look at — you know, actual issues that a president would deal with — and the first and only thing you look for is whether or not she was home while her husband was having an affair?

    You know, I don’t usually wish death by enormous brain-sucking aliens on anyone, but can we please direct them to eat our journalists first?

  4. Unfortunately, sensational journalism grabs attention and thus, drives sales. If this problem is going to be curbed, we not only need to hold journalists accountable…but also the larger American society as well. A culture where the vast majority seems to demand entertainment 24/7…including in their schooling (edutainment) or news reporting is a sick one in need of reform.

    Isn’t this form of journalism a form of “circuses” in the “Bread & Circuses” of Roman lore?

    You know, I don’t usually wish death by enormous brain-sucking aliens on anyone, but can we please direct them to eat our journalists first?


    How could you be so cruel to suggest a torture like that for our extraterrestrial visitors? Considering how the economy is going, we need every tourist we can get…especially ones who could encourage friends and relatives to spend a lot while visiting us. 😉

  5. Isn’t the blue dress on display at the Museum of Sex in New York?

    It’s nice to know the press is focused on what’s really important in our country…

  6. This is just pathetic….what a WASTE of investigative “talent” (the term is used loosely here, of course). I mean seriously….they throw this stuff out there, and if she responds it will show her “female weakness”…….and if she doesn’t respond….she’s a “cold hearted bitch”….I can see it now… Could people, for once, focus on sometime important??

  7. Brian Ross’s “Investigative Team” was one of the only news reports I saw that was extremely critical of Obama’s speech on Tuesday. Their criticism, of course, was based on misreading English. This puts things into greater perspective.

  8. I have a response for her to use- God God people, have you nothing better to do with your time?

  9. Speaking of Vince Foster …

    A conservative said to me that “Hillary is a lesbian” and “Hillary was having an affair with Vince Foster and had him killed” – and he said these things within the space of 1 minute.

    And now “Obama is a Muslim” AND “he is tied to a hate-america pastor”.

    And the amazing thing is that for a HUGE portion of Americans who get their news from Local News, Radio top-of-hour headlines, and watching Fox at the gym or bank – these tactics WORK. They will have a vague feeling that there is something wrong with the Democratic Nominee, and that McCain is a cuddly and experienced moderate.

    Put another way, 95% of registered Dems will vote for the Dem, Likewise with Repubs. And 3/4 of Independents reliably vote for a particular party.
    So there is about 10% of the electorate that truly are “swing voters” … and they can easily be “vague zeiteist” and ad-campaigned into voting for McCain.

    I fear a blowout win for McCain.

  10. How could you be so cruel to suggest a torture like that for our extraterrestrial visitors? Considering how the economy is going, we need every tourist we can get…especially ones who could encourage friends and relatives to spend a lot while visiting us. 😉

    Well, let’s face it, sucking the brain of every “journalist” who reported this story would barely provide an appetizer for our new alien overlords anyway ….

  11. WTF? Who cares about this? Seriously?

    Oh wait…my mother-in-law…who voted for Hillary because the Clinton’s were like a reality TV show and she wants to see what will happen. Seriously.

    No. Seriously.


    P.S. Why, yes, I do hope on some level that my husband was adopted.

  12. I really don’t understand this Vince Foster thing. Maybe someone here would be nice enough to help me out?

    He committed suicide, right? And he had depression and anxiety?

    So where does this whole “the Clintons MURDERED him!!!” thing come in? I looked it up and I still don’t get it.

  13. I fear a blowout win for McCain.

    You may want to take a look at the turnouts for the primaries before you freak yourself out. When you have twice as many people voting for Democrats than for Republicans in both Colorado and Georgia, there’s something going on that even the media is going to have a hard time tamping back down.

    Don’t get me wrong, the Republicans will pull every dirty trick out of their book, because they know the only way to get the election close enough to steal is to try and make those primary voters so disgusted with both parties that they’ll stay home rather than vote in the general election. The question is, will the tactics that they’ve used over and over again work this time?

    Take a look at Bush’s approval ratings and the polls about the war in Iraq. Republicans are in shit up to their chins, and they know it.

  14. I really don’t understand this Vince Foster thing. Maybe someone here would be nice enough to help me out?

    He committed suicide, right? And he had depression and anxiety?

    Not only that, but his suicide note EXPLICITLY SAID that lying editorials in the Wall Street Journal contributed to his anxiety and depression.

    For the WSJ editorial page to continue to flog this murder thing is beyond chutzpah. How do these people manage to look at themselves in the mirror long enough to shave or apply makeup?

  15. You may want to take a look at the turnouts for the primaries before you freak yourself out. When you have twice as many people voting for Democrats than for Republicans in both Colorado and Georgia, there’s something going on that even the media is going to have a hard time tamping back down.

    I fear with the discourse centering too much on the race vs gender dynamic that McCain’s campaign has been effectively been given a good opening to position him as the “straight-talking unifier” who is able to “rise above the fray” the democrats are being embroiled in.

    Considering the tricks they pulled before…I would not underestimate the capabilities of the GOP just yet.

    Well, let’s face it, sucking the brain of every “journalist” who reported this story would barely provide an appetizer for our new alien overlords anyway ….

    On second thought…maybe we can sacrifice the needed tourist dollars from the extraterrestrials by having them dine on the brains of the GOP….with the exception of the extreme few moderate/progressive GOPers.

    If we do this, however, do you think the finest minds of American jurisprudence could come together to fend off the inevitable intergalactic class-action lawsuit filed on behalf of the poisoned aliens? 😉

  16. Not only that, but his suicide note EXPLICITLY SAID that lying editorials in the Wall Street Journal contributed to his anxiety and depression.

    That’s why I don’t get it! I was reading the conspiracy theories, and I still didn’t get it. It seemed like they were pulling random stuff out of thin air. And one of the points was that some members of his family didn’t think he would do it. I’m sorry for their loss, but I have depression and anxiety, and my little brother has been suicidal. No one ever really knows how much you’re suffering, and we never knew when my brother would make an attempt until he’d actually done it.

    Does the WSJ just not want to acknowledge that they indirectly caused someone’s death? Or is Clinton hatred just that tempting? I didn’t think it could get lower than letting a rapist out of prison to spite them.

  17. It seemed like they were pulling random stuff out of thin air.

    Didn’t David Brock, then of the Spectator, state that that was exactly what they were doing at the time? I remember seeing him interviewed about it in a documentary, though I can’t recall which one at the moment. The Vince Foster-being-killed story was mentioned as something that was absolutely untrue, which they knew at the time, but didn’t care about as even a slight bit of doubt had proved useful enough in tainting the Clinton administration.

  18. On second thought…maybe we can sacrifice the needed tourist dollars from the extraterrestrials by having them dine on the brains of the GOP….with the exception of the extreme few moderate/progressive GOPers.

    Guaranteed to poison our alien overloads. We can call it neoco cuisine and charge enormous sums for the tiny portions. As a plan I like it.

  19. Look, if Hillary didn’t want to go through this, she should have never fooled around or stained that dress with her spe- oh wait….

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