In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Motherhood: A Request

If anyone has any posts, research or links related to the Andrea Yates trial and related incidents, “ideal” motherhood, post-partum depression and psychosis, and any other subjects that deal with the societal harms of the prescriptive idealized mother/motherhood experience, please leave them in the comments.

Compiling research for a project and I’ve run into a wall.

6 thoughts on Motherhood: A Request

  1. Lauren: This was a huge story in Toronto

    Not long after, services to women suffering from postpartum were cut out of the provincial health budget…

    Naomi Wolf has a book out on the issue of motherhood:

    Other links of interest:

  2. You may have run across this already, but The MommyMyth, by Susan J. Douglas and Meredith Michaels addresses exactly this subject — the harm done by prescriptive notions of motherhood — and includes some discussion of Andrea Yates.

  3. paragraph 5 might be of interest.

    I’ve never written specifically about Andrea Yates, but I’ve been saying for years that a host of our medical problems, including postpartum depression and psychosis result from ingesting animal foods produced with growth hormones.

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