In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless self-promotion Sunday

Last one of the year. Have at.

26 thoughts on Shameless self-promotion Sunday

  1. This week at the Xyre, the latest update to my How-To regarding Greek on Mac OS X now covers Leopard. Also, the pictures are better! (Not very feminism- or politics-related, but that’s how it seems to be going down for me right about now.)

  2. Hello ladies and gents! Thank you for creating such a wonderful online resource for Feminists. In my little Indiana town, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the Feminist community, and therefore, a very important part of myself.

    I would like to draw your keen eyes and minds to the upcoming generation of mothers who are Feminists and stay at home moms. (I had a difficult time searching through the archives, so I don’t know if you’ve covered this particular topic or not.) I realize that some Feminists may be a bit touchy on this subject – “Why should a woman have to be a housewife?” and my response is that “She doesn’t have to be, but she can certainly chose to be.”

    Mothers my age (20 to 30 somethings) are very likely to be part of the latchkey, daycare generation and we were constantly jealous of our parents’ other obligations. I believe the growing number of socially conscious, educated women who are pursing a domestic career path, at least for a while, is a testament to my beliefs. I also think it is a valid topic of discussion.

    Also, along these lines, a couple weeks ago I was snowed-in and feeling very disconnected, so I looked around for a community of women who share my idea(l)s on this subject. I – surprisingly – didn’t find one, so I created a resource and community site for us.

    Thank you for your time! I hope you enjoy the winter season and all its hullabaloo!

    – Erin C.

  3. I put up my new blog this week (as my old one is on livejournal and they are now being asses) and have been C&P my old posts and rants from queer_rage community.

  4. I did export them to insanejournal, but a lot of the one’s I’m posting weren’t in my journal (they were in queer and tranny_rage) and I’m adding my current thoughts at the top of the posts. So I guess it’s not just re-posting old posts, but meh.
    And i realize I forgot a link,

  5. There are a few programs to archive posts/comments of a journal or a community and a few that will repost posts (though not comments) on livejournal clones like journalfen or deadjournal. I don’t believe there are any that will post to non-LJclones.

  6. Romney and Huckabee are at each other’s throats. Watch out for those two GOP candidates. If they win the GOP nomination (I hope not), they’ll be able to take the whole South’s electoral votes. Plus, both of them will have the fundi vote. Bummer. =/

  7. I wrote a response to this article on the Guardian Unlimited website about proposed reforms to prostitution laws in the UK (not very light I know!). I am quite new to feminism and blogging, so I am sort of working out what I think about things. If it comes across a bit stream-of-consciousness I’m sorry! Here is my post.

  8. I’ve started a little blog, although it’s a bit sparse and a bit silly right now, about feminism and gender differences in the under-20 set. I live in Southern Ontario, so any Canadians should check it out. I plan to yell at Stephen Harper and Cosmo soon!

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