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Movie break

Enjoy this scene from The Warriors.

This is the big fight scene in what is ostensibly the Union Square station, but what is actually the Hoyt-Schermerhorn station in Brooklyn.

Times have changed. I’m in both of those stations regularly, and damned if I can’t find a public bathroom, much less one with multiple stalls and gang members in striped shirts and suspenders.

Seriously, what does it take to get a public toilet in this town?

19 thoughts on Movie break

  1. I’m pretty sure they stopped the public toilet thing in the mid or late 1980s.

    And I mean, I can see why – I used to work at a city Barnes and Noble and our bathrooms were a magnet for homeless men coming in to paper towel bathe.

  2. Times Square station has public restrooms, as does Coney Island – Stillwell Avenue… but that just might be it.

  3. I remember how controversial that movie was when it came out. Apparently different packs of knuckleheads across the country started calling themselves The Warriors and thumping on people.

  4. And people are freaked over trans women in the women’s room. I’ll start freaking out when guys in makeup and Yankees uniforms weilding baseball bats start prowling the stalls…

    I think I’ll raid the videodisc collection and fire up the popcorn.

  5. Strangely enough, one of my best public restroom experiences ever was in New York. The restrooms in Bryant Park are typically cleaned throughout the day, and one time when there was a ridiculously long line for the women’s room and none for men’s, the attendants actually temporarily reassigned the men’s room until the line went down.

    Of course, the bad part of that was how angry some men became about this.

  6. I’d like to see that same scene set in the Charmin magic bathroon-land thing. Is it still there?


    Oh, Jesus, that place. If I ventured anywhere near Times Square, I might be able to tell you. But I have a couple of days free this week, so maybe I’ll check it out.

  7. You will be amused to hear that on one trip to New York, my friend and I were having a helluva time finding a public bathroom, and we were scurrying around in a panic, the way you have to do when you need to pee REALLY BAD.

    And my friend, deep southern accent, angrily exclaims: But they had public bathrooms in The Warriors!

  8. The one benefit to having a Starbucks practically every half-block in Manhattan is that they’re a great source of public restrooms. B&N and some hotels are also reliable, but Starbucks is the place to go to void your bowels or bladder.

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