In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

From the Special Moderation Queue, Part Deux

What is Feministe doing right lately? We’re really getting some winners this week:

i hate this site it is the worst 1 in the hole wide world you f in bitches

Aww. He’s no Tony, but he’ll do.

29 thoughts on From the Special Moderation Queue, Part Deux

  1. K.T. Slager Says:
    October 10th, 2007 at 5:11 pm
    We put the “F” in “Bitches”!

    That needs to go on a T-Shirt.

  2. Oh don’t worry Melissa. Now I’ve made all of you read it, so we’ve spread the stupidity around. All around the hole f in wide world.

  3. Aaaand this was in response to, what now?

    If it’s the worst site in the world, why are you wasting EVERYONE’S time by posting here? Yeeeeesh….

    I think I need that t-shirt. 😉

  4. Aaaand this was in response to, what now?

    To the Osama bin Laden post below this one, of all things. I guess my hate for terrorists finally put him over the edge…?

  5. To the Osama bin Laden post below this one, of all things. I guess my hate for terrorists finally put him over the edge…?

    Well, to be fair to our illiterate knucklehead here, your outrage meter was certainly turned up to 11. Which isn’t terribly uncommon.


    Hey, a market for the wonders of grammar check. I think we learned about run-on sentences in first grade—but it might be a Ph.D-level course in wingnut-land.

  7. PPS. Jill, do we all still have to pretend that you are this like, totally self-actualized super sex kitten who bangs anyone who catches your eye?”

    How the hell would Tony know from reading this blog? This is a political blog. Not a personal online diary. Tony’s post reminds me of Ann Althouse judging womens motives by their breasts. To say Althouse’s reasoning is unscientific would be a vast understatement.

    If Tony hates this blog so much why does he keep coming back? I hate Ben Affleck movies, but I don’t rush to the theatre when a new one comes out. (Raise your hands if you haven’t seen Smoking Aces)

  8. Oh man, I was just explaining to my (very cool) brother recently about the random trolls feminist blogosphere – how on occasion, someone will just pop in to say that we’re all evil/ugly bitches, for our edification. He thought that was pretty nuts. And here’s basically the quote I was talking about, lack of spelling and everything!

  9. awww. can there be a monthly contest for dumbest troll? y’all could nominate 5 or so, and we could vote…fun for all ages. or are they usually not this good?

  10. you f in biches just jealus cause you cant get a real man like tony or me well not me persay cause i only have sex with toy from the bookstore but i know whats rigt and wrong and womens place is in the LEAVE ME ALONE MOM! I’LL BE OUT IN A MINUTE DAMMIT NO IM NOT DOING THAT AGAIN I PROMISED I WUDNT EVER AGAIN UNLESS YOU SAY ITS OK NO I WONT UNLOCK THE DOOR MOM STOP IT

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