In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Ongoing Issues

UPDATE: We seem to be working again, woohoo! A million thanks to our techie guardian angel, who has put in so much time and effort to keep this place up and running. If you encounter any problems, please email me at jill.filipovic -at- gmail -dot- com.

In case you haven’t noticed, Feministe is a little screwy. Long story short, we were trying to switch over to a more secure server (hence the change to the address), but that didn’t work out as planned. So we attempted to switch back to the original address, which sort of worked, except that leads to an error message, a bunch of old posts (including the tabs at the top) are gone, and now none of the comments or “more” functions are working. And I don’t know about you all, but I get an “internal sever error” message about every fifth time I load the page. Refreshing a few minutes later seems to work.

So. Bear with us. We’re working on it, and hopefully things will recover over the next few days. I’m still in the long process of trying to get us onto a better server, but right now it’s looking like that’s financially untenable, as many server companies apparently charge more than some people spend on rent. Add my total incompetence when it comes to anything tech-related, and you have a long and frustrating process.

Thanks in advance for your patience. I’m hoping all of the really irritating stuff (comments, etc) will be fixed by Monday.

We will keep you posted.

2 thoughts on Ongoing Issues

  1. I’m torn between thanking the techie guardian angel, and making a smart comment about:

    In case you haven’t noticed, Feministe is a little screwy.

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