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The Animal Game

Of all my favorite games, The Animal Game tops all (with Would You Rather coming in a close second). It’s pretty simple: You evaluate people you know according to what animal they look like. Everyone has an animal, and it’s a real skill to figure out who looks like what. Some people (like horse and cat people) are pretty obvious; others, like camels and turtles, are a little harder to identify. Your animal has nothing to do with how attractive you are, it’s more about which features you possess; that is, a dog or a fish person could be super hot, while a siamese cat or fox might be butt-ugly. So it’s not an attractiveness-rating game, it’s more of a matching and identifying exercise. And it takes serious skill. Lauren, for example, is a total angel fish. According to my two friends who are world champion Animal Gamers, I am either a red fox (the actual animal, not the slang term) or a raccoon. But I’m thinking that perhaps I’m actually a small marmalade-colored kitty who makes ridiculous faces. To wit:

True Happiness

Originally uploaded by JillNic83

Compared to…


Originally uploaded by JillNic83

The resemblance is uncanny, no?

(I’ll stop the vanity posts very soon, I promise. That picture just really made me laugh, and I’m too tired for substance. And no, I have no idea why the pictures are posting small and to the right).

What animal are you? And since we don’t know what you look like, explain why.

25 thoughts on The Animal Game

  1. That’s not funny. I was called an angel fish once during an association game with a group of people I didn’t like (and vice versa). I vowed from then on that my animal is totally a snake. A mean, slithery, hissy snake.

    Fish. Pah!

  2. I like fun posts, Jill– we need some smiles every now and then.

    My goofiness, funny shuffle and shy face make me an emperor penguin.

  3. I’ve been told I act like a cat but look like a chipmunk. I think it’s the queenly, stubborn strut with the pudgy, pinchable cheeks.

  4. Based on the big schnoz, and narrow face, I’m gonna go with raven. Nevermore!

    Amusing sidenote: I was recently told that if you read Poe’s famous poem, and then read the raven’s bit out loud, in a high-pitched, squeaky kind of bird voice, not an ominous voice, it totally changes the whole tone of the thing 🙂

  5. Amusing sidenote: I was recently told that if you read Poe’s famous poem, and then read the raven’s bit out loud, in a high-pitched, squeaky kind of bird voice, not an ominous voice, it totally changes the whole tone of the thing 🙂

    It’s true. Learning that was the biggest distraction from English homework since my friend pointed out that you can sing just about every Emily Dickinson poem to the tune of “O, Susannah!”

  6. A very long time ago, I was talking to my now husband about what kind of animal people we knew might be. I said he might be a dinosaur. He said I probably wouldn’t be an animal, but a plant. And I think he’s right. I cant explain why, though.

  7. Oh, fine. You’re going to ignore me entirely I see.

    Ha. I sat here for like 20 minutes trying to figure out the Zuzu animal and I couldn’t do it. Trust me, I’m still thinking about it, and when I figure it out I’ll be sure to properly embarrass you too…

  8. One of my friends recently called me a a mule-mouse, but I think that has more to do with my personality.

    In terms of appearance, I’m probably a hamster. When I smile my cheeks are huge and round.

  9. Hee. My cheeks are round when I smile, but the rest of the time I have very sharp cheekbones. I also have a slight overbite and big eyes with a lsightly anxious expression, and a slight red tinge to my hair since the latest dye job. Clearly, I am a red squirrel. This had never occurred to me before but now I can’t stop seeing it. This game is great!

  10. Just because I’m a giant dork — the His Dark Materials has a similar idea, that your soul exists outside your body in the form of an animal.

    Since the movie is coming out, you can take a short test on the site for the movie to determine what your dameon is and what it’s name is. I believe I was a hare named Pyrrheus. :o)

  11. my friend pointed out that you can sing just about every Emily Dickinson poem to the tune of “O, Susannah!”

    I heard it was “The Yellow Rose of Texas.”

    I don’t know about animals, but I took an online quiz to see what celebrity I look like. Apparently I’m a blend of Rupert Grint, Gloria Estefan and Vladimir Putin. Ooh hot mama!

  12. I have a grin like a dolphin, a really big nose, and eyes set far apart. Funny, I guess dolphin is the closest for me.

  13. I always knew I had features like a jaguar, minus the cheekbones, but the trouble is that jaguars can’t really match the bored expression I carry on my face at nearly all times. I suppose one could just picture a jaguar that’s been trapped in one long, uninteresting conversation for 25 years.

  14. my friend pointed out that you can sing just about every Emily Dickinson poem to the tune of “O, Susannah!”

    I heard it was the Gilligan’s Island theme song. Really, that song makes it way more fun.

    Sorry to be off topic. I have no idea what animal I look like. To flatter myself and my huge head of hair, I’ll just go with a lion. Male, not female.

  15. I took the daemon test as well…mine is a wildcat named Boreallus. It does fit.

    As far as looking like an animal, I would say a chipmunk, due to my cheeks. 🙂

  16. I’ve been told by several people that I remind them of a fennec. I’m small, I have hair close to their colour, I’ve always got eyeliner, and I tend to look quietly amused a lot.

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