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Black Thursday

Pouty Betty has returned to match my mood.

Do yourself a favor. Turn off the inaugural circle jerk and all the talk about political Providence. No god I am aware of would choose a man willing to lie, cheat, steal, and kill for his own ideological ends.

Today is Black Thursday and I’m holding my own one-woman countermovement. Dressed in black, yes I am, and no blogging until midnight. Further, I am devising even more long-term ways to divert my money from corporate entities to local entities and spread the word of what I know to be true. What can I do in the next four years that might make a difference in my immediate sphere? What can you do?

Media Girl has more counter-inaugural suggestions for those of us who cannot rip ourselves away from today’s responsibilities.

7 thoughts on Black Thursday

  1. For starters, I’ve taken my site down, replaced by a very short rendition of my own swearing-in for the president. I’m taking it down when I feel like it, but not before tomorrow.

    I then chose to juxtapose the “optimism” (ha!) of George W. Bush with perhaps the greatest oratorical recording of all time, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have A Dream” speech. I saw it on Flea’s blog and was blown away by the feeling it left me with looking at it not as a historical document, but as a damning critique of contemporary American politics.

    As for fighting all this shit, I’m trying my best to support:


    -News organizations dedicated to integrity in reporting. To some extent this includes PBS and NPR, but even more importantly, organizations like Democracy Now!

    -Buy local. Does anyone else really really miss the Farmer’s Market this time of year?

    -And if you do buy from Wal-Mart, screw them unmercifully. Buy things you know they’re taking a loss on. Try and return things you didn’t actually buy there.

  2. I spent some time awake from my cold-induced feels-like-a-deathbed to read The Scandal Sheet from All these different schemes, scandals, and illegal activites surrounding the White House in the last four years, in list form. Truly scary. It’s a great reminder for me as to why I must stay angry and fighting through the next four years.

  3. I spent no money today, drove only to chauffer my nephew to pre-school, and did not show my face in any institution where mercantile transaction took place. I did, however, surf the internet. Was pretty stoked to see Feministe valued at $75,459.42 on blogshares. But since it’s only fantasy money, I guess it’s okay to feel good about it.

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