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Berube Does It Better

Michael Berube writes parody in response to the inane statements about the “inherent” differences between the sexes uttered by Harvard president Lawrence H. Summers:

According to Kinbote, the presidency of Harvard University requires a unique array of talents and dispositions which, statistically, only a small handful of women possess. “For one thing,” noted Kinbote, “it has long been one of the president’s tasks to deny tenure to promising female scholars– personally, without stated cause, and after a department, a college, and a battery of external referees has approved her. My study shows that the X chromosome contains material that, in combination with another X chromosome, inhibits a person’s ability to do this.”

Men are also more adept than women at mentally rotating three-dimensional shapes on aptitude tests, Kinbote added. “You’d be surprised how often a university president needs to do this, and at Harvard the pressure is especially intense.” Kinbote estimated that the president of Harvard spends roughly one-quarter of the working day mentally rotating complex, hypothetical three-dimensional shapes, “and that’s not even counting all the time he needs to try to figure out why women aren’t as skilled at abstract mathematical thought.”

Dr. PZ Myers weighs in as well:

The article mentions that several attendees walked out on him, including Nancy Hopkins. I know Nancy Hopkins—she’s a molecular geneticist who has done innovative work with zebrafish—and I’m not surprised that she left in disgust. She herself personifies exactly what is wrong with these stupid comments by Summers. I am surprised and disappointed that everyone didn’t storm out.

I’ll tell you how much of a role discrimination plays in limiting female professors in so-called “elite” universities: 100%. There is no shortage of brilliant women scientists (or brilliant male scientists), but there is a dearth of jobs and we still have bigoted ignoramuses like Summers standing guard over the gateways…

…Guess what, Summers? Boys don’t have an “innate” tendency towards science and math. Leave them alone, and they don’t grow up into natural engineers: they become animals who like to eat and screw and scratch themselves. The most important contributor to that predilection for tinkering and building and learning is education. Any possible inherited differences are miniscule compared to the power of education and cultural biases.

And don’t try to pretend that socialization is minimal, when the president of Harvard can stand up and seriously suggest that many people are incapable of doing great science because they have ovaries. We don’t do research with our gonads, or our skin pigments, for that matter.

Apparently we were due for another high-profile man to fall publicly on the sword of sexism. Dumbass. Feministing has more on the fallout.

via Roxanne

4 thoughts on Berube Does It Better

  1. The president of Harvard? Unbelievable. I expect to read that line of “reasoning” in a National Review editorial. I don’t expect it in a speech by the Harvard University president. Holy shit.

    I like Dr. Myers’ remark here:

    Any possible inherited differences are miniscule compared to the power of education and cultural biases.

    I had Barbies growing up. My brother had Lego sets and, eventually, a Commodore 64 computer. I can’t tell you how many times I was told to “get out of your brother’s room, those are his toys. Go play with your own toys.” But Barbies were fun for maybe an hour, tops. Legos and computers were fun forever. I’m not even trying to blame my parents; they were products of their time and culture, and that meant Ilyka got Barbies for Christmas and her brother got the computer, and as far as they were concerned, that was normal.

    But it really bit me in the ass when I was working as a developer with guys who knew their operating systems not because they’d taken classes on them, but because they had dorked around in childhood on their own PCs.

    The education and cultural background is everything. The ovaries?–Yeah, funny thing: Apparently those never affect my ability to schedule appointments or prepare Excel spreadsheets for some dude, yet are somehow able to wreak havoc on my ability to grasp polymorphism and dynamic memory allocation. Why, they’re magic ovaries!

    Jesus. How sad that this still even comes up.

  2. tell the truth, i’m not surprised at all. why should we expect the president of one of the oldest bastions of old whiteboy privilege be at all enlightened?

    and considering Harvard’s atrocious record of dealing fairly with their employees, it makes even more sense. folks who subscribe to repressive mindsets rarely subscribe to only one…

    dumbass indeed. the guy’s probably still living in the 19th century somewhere – where women & the servant classes knew their place!

  3. some interesting background on Mr. Dumbass:

    “Top women faculty at Harvard are concerned about the lack of women receiving tenure so far under Summers’ reign as president. According to the Globe, the percentage of tenured positions offered to women in the Arts and Sciences has dropped each of the three years Summers has been in office, with only four of 32 tenured positions going to women last year.”

  4. No offense, ilyka, but I think you can safely blame your parents. I was playing on computers before the Commodore 64 was in most kids’ houses, and nobody ever told me to go play with dolls instead.

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