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But Abraham Lincoln was a Republican! That’s good enough, right?

NAACP GOP Presidential Forum, originally uploaded by JillNic83.

Jeffrey’s right — this picture really does say it all. The NAACP invited all of the Republican presidential contenders to the NAACP GOP Presidential Candidate Forum. A grand total of one showed up. Jeffrey hits it on the head when he writes:

The resulting photo of Tancredo–standing on a stage of empty podiums–sums up the Republican party’s commitment to civil rights in America: the only Republican interested is the guy running to deny immigrant workers their rights.

All of the Democratic candidates showed up for their forum.

And then GOP voters cry when the NAACP doesn’t cave into their demands.

via Hughes for America.

23 thoughts on But Abraham Lincoln was a Republican! That’s good enough, right?

  1. All of the Democratic candidates showed up for their forum.

    Yeah, much to Hillary and John Edward’s displeasure. Hint: ALWAYS ASSUME THE MIC IS ON…

  2. Of course they didn’t go. Why would you, in the middle of a campaign, intentionally go to an event where you’re guaranteed nothing but hostile questioning for the duration? Tancredo can afford to go because he has zero chance of getting the nomination.

  3. This would be like the dems going to NAARL or Cato event. NAACP might be a great civil rights organization but it’s firmly part of the democratic coalition. Much to loose and little to gain.

  4. Why would you, in the middle of a campaign, intentionally go to an event where you’re guaranteed nothing but hostile questioning for the duration?

    And hostile questioning means what exactly? That there aren’t questions to be answered by this party, and if “those people” are asking the questions, it’s hostile? Yeah right. We get it, bucko.

  5. Republicans have done the heavy lifting, not only from the Emancipation Proclamation, but Republicans started the movement for women’s suffrage. Also, Republicans helped create the NAACP. Republicans helped create some of the first historical black colleges. ..

    …and the carbon dioxide I breathed out mixed with other carbon dioxide in the environment and helped a tree breath, so I helped keep trees alive and cannot believe their ungrateful attitude toward me, especially when they continue to rain pine needles on my shiny new car.

  6. Republicans have done the heavy lifting

    Modern day conservatives who subscribe to and create the Republican party line are not ideological descendants from the people who once called themselves “Republican”. The Republican Party has little to do with its former self of even 60 years ago, maybe less.

  7. This would be like the dems going to NAARL or Cato event. NAACP might be a great civil rights organization but it’s firmly part of the democratic coalition. Much to loose and little to gain.

    No, the NAACP doesn’t represent the democratic party, it represents the interests of people of color and is one of the few national organizations devoted specifically to that. If Repubs are sincere in their stated interest in courting the constituency they represent, they should in fact visit and should fear nothing.

    Why would you, in the middle of a campaign, intentionally go to an event where you’re guaranteed nothing but hostile questioning for the duration?

    Good question, just as the Wizard of Oz had no interest in coming out from his big head balloon or the Emperor has no interest in hearing the crowd tell him he has no clothes. Its all hostile ‘questioning’ and lord knows, why go where someone’s bound to throw a call you out for what you are?

    Keep up the charade boys! So far so good!

  8. Not surprised. If I knew I had no chance of being president, I wouldn’t make the barest effort to show any balls, either, by answering tough questions and strengthening my image and platform.

    Their a bunch of spineless… men who… never mind. It’s much too vulgar, even for me.

  9. Let’s face it. The GOP wins elections by catering to bigots, and that’s the way it’s been for almost 40 years. Why the hell should they even pretend to care what the NAACP or any other group of black people think?

  10. Why the hell should they even pretend to care what the NAACP or any other group of black people think?

    Good point. This is, of course, an extremely good reason for never voting for the pricks in the first place.

  11. “Why the hell should they even pretend to care what the NAACP or any other group of black people think?”

    “Good point. This is, of course, an extremely good reason for never voting for the pricks in the first place.”

    -The Republican Party:

    Terry Schivo: “My God, we’ve got to do something!”

    Hurricane Katrina: “Hey, who knew a hurricane was coming?
    “Whatever; they’re refugees anyway.”

  12. The NAACP prides itself on being a nonpartisan association. It’s just that the majority of black folks are Democrats. They also had a SET OF CANNED QUESTIONS that they asked EVERY SINGLE candidate who came. This was not intended to be off-the-cuff badgering of Republican candidates. Everyone knew the set up: you get 3 minutes to make an opening statement, then you answer a list of pre-prepared questions. Nothing hostile about it.

  13. Wait . . . the most racist one of all was the only one to show up? WTF?

    Yeah, that definitely says a lot. A LOT.

  14. People of color get to vote in the general election nowdays, right? I mean, I know being perceived as a racist helps in the Republican primaries, but, uh, what next?

    Crap. At least the Republicans are honest about their disregard of non-whites.

  15. To be consistent with his anti-immigrant stand, Tancredo would be obliged to support groups of citizens and legal residents, like the NAACP. What surprises me is that no moderate Republican like Giuliani showed up to pick up some votes.

  16. First off, to act as though the NAACP isn’t a politically aligned organization is somewhat ridiculous. Secondly, it makes no sense from a political standpoint to take an opportunity for bad press for people who are not going to vote for you. Black Americans vote Democrat more consistantly than any other demographic. Honestly, what is any one of the Republican candidates going to say that will meaningfully alter black voting patterns? So why go?

  17. I love the fact that they set up the empty podiums (podia?) for the candidates who didn’t show up. Very nice piece of image management.

    I can’t understand why more candidates didn’t show up and simply push the Republican line on pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and all that. It wouldn’t impact the NAACP membership, but it would play well with the core Republican constituencies who would see it as standing up to the “special interests.”

  18. Let’s face it. The GOP wins elections by catering to bigots, and that’s the way it’s been for almost 40 years. Why the hell should they even pretend to care what the NAACP or any other group of black people think?

    Because they’re trying to woo fearful white female suburbanites who aren’t comfortable with the GOP’s level of overt racism. No way soccer moms, it may look like bigotry is our bread and butter, but we want to reach out to racial minorities. We want the Black vote and we’re not afraid to pursue it, trust us, and in no way would any real effort in that direction send 90% of our base screaming away, fleeing. No, really!

  19. Henry, perhaps if they showed a little more interest, they might get more votes. The onus is on them.

  20. Nobody directly answered the point from one of the first commentators: “This would be like the dems going to NAARL or Cato event.”

    Do Democrats attend events hosted by such ideological groups? No. Why is the NAACP so different just because it references a racial group in its title and has a venerable history?

    It doesn’t simply “represent” black voters (won’t argue how accurately it does that, either). It has a specific ideological agenda beyond that as well. The North Carolina NAACP supported Mike Nifong to the end. Agreeing with, supporting, or cooperating with the NAACP is simply not a litmust test for being a non-racist. Not anymore.

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