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Fantastic New Blog Alert

Cure This. Their self-description:

For two and a half years, “Cure This” was a pipe dream shared by just a handful of us. We envisioned a grand goal: to create an online space to discuss health in its broadest sense, share personal stories, creatively make positive change, and build an online community along the way — connecting us locally, nationally, and perhaps internationally. We envisioned a humble beginning: here and now.

Cure This has now transformed into a reality, and we’re excited beyond words. We welcome it into this world with a loving, gentle nudge and an encouraging whisper in its ear. Let the beautiful journey begin.

It’s a great resource for health-related information and commentary. Definitely a must-add to your blogroll.

Discovered via BFP, who also writes for Cure This.

2 thoughts on Fantastic New Blog Alert

  1. Thanks for the shout out for Cure This! we’d encourage any readers who have a personal story about health, an international story, a political story, a question, etc — to sign up for a user account and write away :> (or comment on any of the posts up). thanks so much (again) for the linklove :>

    keep on, keepin’ on…

  2. From Roy’s mommy wars thread, I learned BFP in fertility circles means Big Fat Positive as in a positive pregnancy stick. Big Fat Positive. That suits her so well.

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