In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet


Dawn points to this article about a woman being branded with an iron for reporting another couple to Child Protective Services:

When the woman entered the apartment, the group assaulted and held her against her will, detectives said.

The suspects shaved off a portion of the victim’s hair and using a branding iron, wrote the word “snitch” on her face, then blindfolded her, officers said.

Her body was also burned with a propane torch, investigators said.

Ugh. I don’t have much to add here, except to say that this is apparently Depressing News Night at Jill’s house. Sorry for all the downer articles. If someone wants to send me something fun and/or uplifting, I’ll post it…

5 thoughts on Branded

  1. If someone wants to send me something fun and/or uplifting, I’ll post it…

    I just learned a fun new word: Orgle (n) the sound made by a male llama or alpaca during mating. It starts when the male becomes aroused and continues through the mating process, which can last up to an hour. It reportedly sounds like gargling. Surely a bunch of feminists can find a good use for this word.

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