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Jewelry for Nerds

Seeing these pairs of earrings makes me wish I hadn’t stretched my earlobes to 8 gauge rings I can’t remove by myself. That said, nothing beats Chef’s ears.

via Chaos Theory (If you haven’t noticed, I get half my weird and interesting links from Jennifer, so if you want to cut me out of the middle I suggest you cruise over to her blog where she aggregates cool links from all over the place all day. I’ve been cribbing off her for a couple of years so it’s about time I offer a shout-out.)

10 thoughts on Jewelry for Nerds

  1. You could always do that thing where you put grommets in and then put the earrings in. I have seen that executed successfully.

    Were they stretched that much last summer? Because I don’t remember that.

  2. Aww, thanks!

    Those ear stretching things freak me the hell out, but I know a few people IRL who make borosilicate glass earrings and wear them- for which you do have to stretch your holes. Their earrings are so cute they almost kind of tempt me to do it. Then again…yeah, it does kind of mean your options are limited for wearing non-boro earrings.

  3. I got my book nerd husband some typewriter key cufflinks for our wedding last year. I out-nerd you all!

    (I also got him a video iPod, but was careful to give it to him after we had sex. Which was the right call, because he spent the rest of the night playing with it. )

  4. Got ’em!

    It would’ve been impossible for me to resist.

    And now I can make jokes like, “I have to remember to put the right one in each ear, or else my head won’t validate, and I hate when that happens.”

  5. OUCH…looks like you could successfully hang Christmas lights from those holes, kinda like sticking the bulb out from the back like a Lite Brite!

    Or has it already been done?

  6. Mnemosyne, those are FAB!! Am getting a pair for our 15th anniversary this fall; Charlie wears French cuffs alot and really nice cufflinks are hard to find up here on Canadian border…

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