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Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Give us what you got.

33 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I have an urgent and compelling post up at The WAAGNFNP Blog about the insidious influence of children’s cereal box characters, all of whom are shown to be gay. Fortunately, I also have a stirring plan to bring teh heterosexy back to the youth of America. I usually think that what I write is crap, but this is pretty good.

  2. After going to a lovely wedding this weekend, I’ve been thinking about what it might mean to have a ceremony that can avoid alienating queer folks in the audience. Thus, how we wed.

  3. I just posted my reason for getting a passport – so I can leave the country if we lose the right to abortion. Name link goes to whole journal, post is here.

  4. Hmm I wasn’t sure what to plug this week, but in the end I’ve decided on this – it’s about International Workers’ Memorial Day, April 28th, and how people shouldn’t be getting sick or killed because of their work.

  5. Well, most of my stuff isn’t feminist or liberal oriented. It’s mostly primitivist/anti-civilization stuff. But a few days ago, I wrote up a post about my venturing out for the first time with unshaven legs and underarms. And at the end, there’s the money shot of my hairy pits. Very sexy.

  6. I’m actually fairly happy with my take-down of William Saletan’s most recent “pro-choice”-but-really-anti-choice column in Sunday’s Slate/Washington Post. He moralizes that it’s okay to force women who are seeking abortions to view ultrasounds because it reveils the truth of what they are about to do to their bodies. And he’s supposed to be pro-choice!

    Is it possible for the reproductive rights collective to stop William Saletan from representing himself as “pro-choice” in media outlets everywhere? He’s becoming the “pro-choice” version of the “Joe Lieberman democrat.”

  7. Catrina, I read that column. It left me utterly confused. I’m glad someone read it and was as unsettled as I was!

  8. My post is nothing special, but I would like to here more people’s thoughts on the state of Ohio trying to backhandedly force srippers out of business after being pressured by conservative christian groups….

  9. ballastexistenz has a great collection of links related to Disability blog carnival #13 about the boxes people get put into. Her own entry is long but well worth the read.

  10. I’ve started to explore the effects of the passive voice in reports of sexualised violence, in Passive Aggression: Foregrounding the Object.

    This was triggered by reading a snippet of research which found: β€œWhen men read rape and battery stories written in the passive voice, they attributed less blame to the perpetrator – and less harm to the victim – than for the active-voice versions. The effect was specific to sexual violence: verb voice did not alter how men viewed murders or robberies.”

    Now I’m seeing the passive voice everywhere, and it’s making my teeth itch.

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