In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Give us what you got.

Don’t forget the link and description.

I don’t have anything myself, since I’ve spent the entire weekend either at IKEA (what is it about that place? I go in for light bulbs and leave with a sofabed. Subliminal messages? Crack in the Swedish meatballs?) or doing a serious decluttering and clearout in preparation for calling the real estate agent. I’m shooting for an open house in two or three weeks, depending on when I can get the place painted. In fact, given that I’m still working on clearing out (I *have* been here five and a half years), posting from me will probably be pretty light this week.

30 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. A snippet on why I’m disgruntled with the marriage equality movement. (Hint: it’s not because I don’t want to marry my girlfriend.)

    I now make a point of having written something new by Sunday to make it into the shameless self-promotion… You rock, zuzu.

  2. Also- totally didn’t read the rest of the post in my zeal to comment. I had my first IKEA experience this weekend. I gotta ask- was that Really the only place to find light bulbs? Going in without a plan of action is just Begging for a cart full of meatballs, bunk beds, and colorful spatulas. (My favorite overheard: “No, honey, we’re not playing with scissors today.)

  3. I gotta ask- was that Really the only place to find light bulbs?

    It is for the IKEA light fixtures in my apartment. In fact, I couldn’t find bulbs for the light in my foyer, because they are apparently no longer selling it. So I couldn’t check the size from the box (yes, I could get the bulb out of the fixture, but I have 10-foot ceilings and couldn’t get hold of a ladder until after I already took the trip out to Elizabeth).

    I did need a new sofa, since my attempt at reupholstering mine after the dog ripped it up has not gone anywhere (I could finish the top, but the springs need work, and I have no idea how to fix that). A cheap little thing from IKEA will look nice at the open house, probably better than throwing a sheet over the existing sofa and hoping for the best.

  4. I’m plugging Abstinence or Bust, which started by looking at a post by Amanda on the motivations of abortion doctors and then I went wildly into a rant about how those who promote abstinence only sex-ed are effectively increasing the number of unwanted pregnancies and thus abortions.

    Thanks again, I read lots of cool stuff on this thread, plus I get to blow my own trumpet. Bonus!

  5. I kind of hate to link to these superficial snippets when everyone’s got these great posts, but it’s supposed to be Shameless, after all. Two little posts: I bitch about Slashdot for the last time, and collect all the bingo cards (and a couple of related things too) in a handy list.

  6. I was finally able to articulate my problem with the basis of “original sin”. It came out of a posting on the de-limboization of limbo. From there, it was a hop, skip, and a thought to the entire problem of the vengeful god.


    Would be interested in your comments.

  7. My friends list is small, but I did ask them all to remember that the abortion ban affects them and everyone they know.

    This ruling affects all women. It’s not just about the creepy way the court thinks we need to be protected from making bad decisions. It’s not just that they have upheld the outlawing of a medical procedure that could be necessary for our health. It’s taking that first explicit step back down the road towards saying that we are not as important as our babies. Remeber that archaic part of the fairy tale, where the mother doesn’t matter as long as the heir to the throne can live? That is the path that this law has put us on.

  8. My reaction to yet another story about the many ways women working is screwing up the world. This time, the springboard was a story in Time discussing the new American “trend” toward employing wetnurses or collective breast-feeding. It’s never really clear what the article is actually about, as it conflates the Hel out of the two.

  9. I went over the latest “Saddam did too have WMD!” conspiracy theory that all the wingnuts are touting.

    And I should say that I especially enjoyed the posts by Carrie (#24) and Heraclitus (#13). I’d also endorse norbizness (#16), but he gets too much traffic already.

  10. I just started a journal to talk about feminist stuff in. I think this is my best post so far, it’s about the movie Grindhouse, female characters in the media, and some other stuff.

    I used the word stuff twice in this comment. I swear, the actual post is marginally more eloquent.

  11. I’ve started a new feminist blog called The Curvature. I’m still working on it but I’m posting daily (sometimes more than once a day) and having a lot of fun with it. It’d be great if you stopped by, left comments, added me to your blog roll . . . (hey, you said shameless!)

  12. Late again.

    I wrote a post for Earth Day that quotes the last two paragaphs of EO Wilsons The Diversity of Life. He’s always a good read.

    hugs for atheists has to do with promoting atheism, or rather, promoting naturalism and humanism instead of atheism (a term which conveys little).

    saving Pharyngula is a response to the desire by some atheists who liken their cause to that of the suffragettes and current feminists.

    That latter two are really about a more general topic: how do you frame in an honest way your cause so it is heard and understood? My own interest is in getting more attention for sustainability — living in a way that does not damage our planet. See the index on the blog if you are interested in the larger discussion.

  13. All I have is a new piece of erotica written by a woman for women and published by a woman-owned and operated publishing house. Not sure if that’s feminist enough.

    It’s called “Tuition Fees” and is available through Angel’s Place.

    My politics have been on hold with a novel deadline.

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