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Abortion Rights in Mexico

The young woman with the cascading curls walked into a dumpy house with no sign out front on the day she decided to get an abortion.

Inside, she says, she paid $200 for eight syringes filled with a milky liquid and a set of instructions. She spent the night in a Mexico City hotel room, giving herself injections that made her bleed and cry out in agony.

The next day, weak and depressed, the woman was persuaded by her sister to see a doctor, who determined that she had undergone an incomplete abortion, the woman said during an interview on condition of anonymity. He conducted an emergency procedure to complete the abortion and stave off infection.

“What have I done?” she recalled thinking. “I risked my life.”

Whether anti-choice leaders like it or not, women will continue to risk their lives to terminate pregnancies. Criminalizing abortion does not make it go away — it doesn’t even significantly lesson the abortion rate. What does decrease the abortion rate? Accessible and affordable health care, including contraception, and a culture which views sex as a healthy and natural part of life — and one that you should take responsibility for.

But tried-and -true ways of lowering the abortion rate aren’t particularly interesting to “pro-life” politicians and leaders. Instead, they’d like to maintain the status quo in places like Mexico, where a million abortions take place every year, killing some 3,000 women and landing another 10,000 in the hospital. Abortion is the fifth leading cause of death for women in Mexico. That is not “pro-life.”

15 thoughts on Abortion Rights in Mexico

  1. So, chopping up a baby is a “natural part of life and one that you should take responsibility for” Interesting argument. Not a good arguement but interesting.

  2. Actually it’s totally ontopic, you see, everytime a mexican woman has an abortion, the quebecois are assholes – there’s a proven causative connection between the two.

    Phuc the french: Just say no to brown abortions!

  3. people like greg always astound me w/ there ability to read a post about women dying and still make an asinine comment about the poor wittle babeez.

    that mentality is other places too tho. just like how people dont care how there beef or chicken died a painful death to be on their plate, but dont kill the cute little lambs! everything else deserves to die but if its cute thats wrong!.

  4. Wow, Greg. You just read Jill’s post as saying abortion = “natural part of life and one that you should take responsibility for”. That’s interesting, because when I read it it seemed like she was saying sex = “natural part of life and one that you should take responsibility for”, which in turn would decrease incidence of abortion.

  5. And that is why, as a pro-lifer, I will always always always support the woman’s right to choose a safe, legal abortion. I wish it didn’t have to happen, but I’m sensible enough to realize that it does.

  6. Yes, Sirkowski, because when women are dying from illegal abortions, what’s really important is what some teenage girls are wearing in Quebec.

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