In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Update on Tech Issues

Okay, I’ve successfully fixed my YouTube sound problem.

First, I had to download the new Flash uninstaller, run that, then re-install Flash. Then, the slider above the speaker on the Flash player had to be re-set the first few times I tried it, since it was on minimum. But once I moved the slider up, I could hear fine.

Et voila! Problem solved.

8 thoughts on Update on Tech Issues

  1. I loved the Hard Day’s Night of Living Dead (“Before and After Movies for 200 Alex”. “They wanted brains, brains, and Beatles!” “What is A Hard Day’s Night of the Living Dead?”) and the Waitresses video.

    I have dial-up, and my server is similar to AOL. It sucks the suck out of suck.

    I had to watch those videos – any videos that are in blog posts like yours or pandagon – in firefox.

    But if I type in

    And now, (the home page) makes my computer crash! Because there are videos all the time on the front page. So I finall figured out to open up the home page in firefox, copy the post titles, and add them to my looooooooong list of Feministe/Pandagon posts to look.

    You guys are addictive.

    I’m gald you got your videos working. *bitter sneer* “Oops, I thought your computer tower was firewood. I didn’t mean to chop it up with y axe so many times. My family’s going to New Mexico in a week, and it’s cold there.”

    They do have high speed internet that is relatively uncensored at university dorms now, right? If so, yet another thing making me do an unhappy waiting dance for fall.

  2. Oh, what got me in mod?

    Threatening your hard drive?

    I threaten mine.

    That may be why I get kicked off all the time.

    *sacrifices wasp to all-mighty computer* Work work work work work!

  3. D’oh! I knew you made an annoucement.

    I blame the fact that I just got up from a nap and took 2 pain pills and I’m in pain.

    I am so, so so so so so so so so sorry. I wasn’t complaining, in all honesty. You’re probably not going to tell us what words trip up the mod squad because than the trolls will edit them out of their posts.

    Again, sorry, I wasn’t bitching, it was entirely lighthearted.

    If I get banned, do I still get to read posts here?

    So so so so so so so sorry! I meant nothing by it, but don’t delete it. I have yet to be kicked off in the 30 minutes since. *crosses fingers, knocks on computer desk which is probably not real wood.*

  4. What kills me is that I’ll spend hours trying to figure out what the problem is and then another hour fixing it, just so’s I can watch bad 80’s videos on somebody’s blog.

  5. Yay!

    I love a good conspiracy theory.

    Does it involve the government in some way?

    Or the people that control the government, the ones in the shadows with their cigarettes who are pure evil?

    *whips herself into paranoid X-files fangirl paranoia*

    So that’s why that cop car was parked at a trun for 2 hours on a weekday night. Speeders my ass! My sister says he was probably sleeping. (Very low-crime town, especially on a Tuesday night)

    I’m sure she’s in on it too!

    *looks at Wickett*

    He sleeps under the computer, and he often scratches at the carpet there. He’s in on it too!

    How far does this go?

    It has something to do with the base building its own water tower, I just know it.

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