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Because Feminists Invented Sex, Celebrity, Bratty Kids and Dirty Dancing

Apparently, we’re also responsible for Paris Hilton and Britney Spears flashing her girly bits:

“A great promise was contained in the moment when Madonna kissed Britney at the MTV Awards,” crowed feminist Camille Paglia. “She in a sense was saying, ‘I’m passing the torch to you.’ It was a fabulous moment. Britney looked toned, in control of her career and it was up to her to take the next step. Literally, from that kiss, from that moment onward, Britney has spiraled out of control. It’s like Madonna gave her the kiss of death!”

Radical feminism, not Madonna, has given women the kiss of death.

Are we counting Paglia as a feminist now? I’m so confused.

Oh, but it gets better. Feminists killed marriage and are screwing up the kids:

As a result of the feminist movement there are no gender-based role differences in many marriages. Wives wear the pants in the family, husbands show little or no leadership and are often wimps, and children are unmanageable. Is this what God intended for the family?

No. The Bible teaches that the husband is to lead, provide for, and protect his family. The wife is to help her husband by managing the household and taking care of the children. Children are to be raised with discipline and love. That’s God’s way.

Today’s children are train wreck. They’re undisciplined, disrespectful and, frankly, as lazy as a Sunday morning. Sadly, this is the rule not the exception.

Please, people. Has there ever been a time when people haven’t complained about kids today? The term “whippersnapper” originated somewhere in the ancient world and referred to young men who rode around snapping their whips at passersby.

As for some marriages being egalitarian — why, yes! That’s the idea. I suppose what’s getting under Masha West’s skin is this idea that rigid gender roles aren’t necessary for marriage — why, if a marriage can be made without someone being the “man” and someone being the “woman,” what’s to stop two men from getting married? My God, which one will wear the pants???

And of course, feminists are responsible for Bad Girls (and, apparently, the disappearance of the letter g from West’s verbs):

Which brings me to the latest trend among teenage girls. I’m not talking about body piercing, tattoos or electric pink and green hair fashions. I’m talkin’ street fights. I’m talkin’ knock down drag out hair pulling fisticuffs caught on cell phones and distributed on the Internet. (Watching girls’ exchange body blows is not recommended for the feint of heart.) Standers by, both male and female, fervently root for their favorite girl to win. Most self-respecting females would find it humiliating to have their bruised and battered faces plastered all over the Internet. Oh contraire! Today’s girls think it’s cool to kick butt. (Note: American wrestling TV network, WWE, is the second most searched for item on Yahoo!.) Win or lose, many girls enjoy the spotlight, even when they look the fool. Miss USA recently experienced a barrage of media coverage, not to identify her accomplishments, but to expose the beauty queen’s drug use, underage drinking and sexual misconduct. Tara Conner checked into rehab to save face – and to retain her tarnished crown.

Radical feminists are wringing their hands over Tara.

Hasn’t she seen any 50s-vintage women’s prison movies?

But the worst is the dancing.

Another trend among the younger generation is “freaking.” At student dances all across America (including middle schools) kids are dirty dancing. Teens are simulating sex to the beat of the music, usually with, but not limited to, a partner. Young people’s creative minds have come up with expressions like “dog dancing,” “lap dancing,” doing “the grind,” “the nasty,” and “the wax.” I won’t explain. Use your imagination.

This sort of tawdry teenage conduct spooks some administrators. The principal of Manuel High School, Beverly Keepers, witnessed teens doing the nasty and had the good sense to turn up the lights. Soon chaperones were moving through the crowd, separating couples. “Nothing seemed to calm them down,” Keepers said. “It’s difficult when you have 800 students to tap every one on the shoulder when they’re dancing inappropriately.” Tapping 800 students on the shoulder would be exhausting! But the chaperones pressed on. Keepers complained that they saw it everywhere on the dance floor. “It looked like they were having sex, only with their clothes on, and sometimes the clothes were pretty revealing. To me, a public school should not allow that to happen.” [2]

And how dare a principal be disturbed about inappropriate public displays of sexually-charged dancing when the public schools are the breeding grounds for such activity with their liberal sex ed agenda!

To me, the principal’s reaction is surprising in light of the fact that a component of the secular progressive (SP) agenda for government schools is to teach sex education in kindergarten. That’s right. Sex Ed beginning in kindergarten. Liberals also plan to introduce students to sexual orientation and transgenderism in grades 8 and 10 (or younger if they can get away with it). SP’s approve of youngsters learning about sex at the tender age of 5, yet they’re mortified when teens simulate sex acts in high school gymnasiums on prom night?

Gosh, why could that be?

Indeed, West closes with a perfect example why comprehensive sex ed, and parents discussing sex with their kids, is a good thing:

No doubt sexual freedom is a dream come true for radical feminists. But it’s a nightmare for loving, sensible parents. Adolescents are having sex with no strings. They believe they’re using each other in a “good way.” Unwanted pregnancy and acquiring sexually transmitted diseases, some of which they’ll live with for the rest of their lives, is not so good. But hey, they can cross that bridge when they come to it. In the meantime, youngsters should live, love, laugh, and be happy!

Masha, dear, one way you reduce teenage pregnancy and STDs is to teach kids about contraception and protection. One way you help them make their own decisions about whether they want to have sex, with whom and why (and, hey! a lot of feminists are uncomfortable with the recent trend of girls kissing each other or flashing for the viewing pleasure of guys, didja know that?) is to talk honestly and frankly with them about setting their own boundaries. Which is something that parents who are on the “spare the rod” trip with their kids probably don’t do much.

As Jessica notes, West never really does draw any sort of connection between girls acting out and feminism. Though she suspects that West confuses third wave feminists, who talk about sex, with the Girls Gone Wild ethos:

So how is all of this related to feminism? I don’t know. West never really seems to make the connection. But it’s not just rambling anti-feminists who are talking about the feminist/slut relationship. Too often, I’m seeing third wave feminism conflated with vapid consumerist-types of sexuality, from the Pussycat Dolls to Girls Gone Wild—even by other feminists.

Yes, young feminists talk about sex. They write about it. They even have it from time to time. But let’s not confuse politically-informed and thought-out feminist perspectives on sex with drunken tit flashing. It’s insulting.

43 thoughts on Because Feminists Invented Sex, Celebrity, Bratty Kids and Dirty Dancing

  1. I thought “SP” was short-hand for spelling? At least, that’s what I use when I grade papers.

    Oh, those foul, sex-and-spelling-ed liberals!

  2. This. Drives. Me. Crazy.

    People confusing the backlash, the pro-sex Third Wave and the more recent Laddie/Hottie nonsense makes me want to throw furniture.

    It is almost as if when you say “sex is a good thing” people hear “everyone must have sex constantly”.

  3. “Freaking” is what we old fogies used to call “dry-humping”. Doing it to music doesn’t change that.

    Anyone who thinks shifting to saying “talkin'” gives her street cred is really not worth linking to.

  4. Hahaha… NOBODY says “freaking” anymore. Is this woman watching ABC After-School Specials from 1994?

  5. Apparently my old high school has decided the best way to tackle the issue of kids dancing dirty is to ban any dresses that reveal more than a little collarbone or shoulder and to make the kids dance arm’s length from one another. When I was there, we had a relatively cool female principal. Now it’s some dude everyone hates. They hated him before the weird new rules, and they hate him even more now.

    I don’t dance or go clubbing or anything like that, but I don’t get what the problem is with kids grinding. They’re not having sex. They’ll wait until at LEAST they get to the car before they do that.

  6. I can see telling kids, hey no stripper-moves on the gym floor, please. That’s more about good manners than getting the vapors because kids are doing something inappropriate. Same with PDA…I don’t want to watch two teens OR two adults play tonsil hockey in public. Because it’s making me their audience.

    If everyone would just calm the heck DOWN already, accept that kids grow up, and figure out how to REALISTICALLY help them do so while being responsible, thoughtful, and compassionate, we’d all be better off.

  7. Back in 1957
    we had to dance a foot apart
    And they hawked at us from the sidelines
    Holding rulers…

    Now why did this little rant on the horrors of kids today make me think of Joni Mitchell’s sad and funny song about the restrictions on sexuality that she recalls from high school?

    Funny, back then the sex-ed liberals hadn’t taken over Canada yet, so the child she bore ‘out of wedlock’ like they used to say back when we had good values was placed for adoption immediately. With a good family, which in translation means ‘infertile straight couple’.

    Things were simpler before the sex-positive feminists came along, weren’t they?

  8. Well, there is a tiny bit of truth in the idea that feminism was involved in the situation. Because, when you come up with the idea that people should be trusted and enabled to make their own choices, it follows inevitably that some of those people are going to make choices that we don’t like.

    What she messes up totally is that supporting choice doesn’t automatically mean advocating or defending all the possible choices – just the choice itself.

    Feminism, as I understand it, doesn’t mean absolving women from all the consequences of their choices. It means supporting their right and ability to make the choices in the first place.

    It’s a matter of supporting a world where people (men and women both) aren’t calling the police and picking up handy stones when Britney or Paris do their thing. It doesn’t mean thinking that it’s the best (or even the right) thing to be doing.

    Of course, you knew that all ready. Choir, thanks for listening.

  9. ban any dresses that reveal more than a little collarbone or shoulder

    cuz it’s the girls’ fault.

    I don’t hang out at high school dances much, but when I go clubbing and see people freaking-or-whatever-you-young-folks-call-it on the dance floor, the girl usually has her skirt hiked up over her ass. I suppose I can be reassured that in one high school in America, her shoulders will be modestly covered while she rubs her ass on her date’s crotch. I know I’m a prude, but, eww.

  10. Sex Ed in Kindergarden… really? I mean I know my daughter just started Early Kindergarden… and they’re teaching her lots of wonderful things (like writing, langauges, numbers, etc)… but not sex. Of course, it’s only Early Kindergarden, so I guess I’ll have to keep my eyes and ears peeled for when the Sex Ed begins.

    *I don’t know anyone who advocates teaching Sex Ed to 5 year olds. I learned at 8 when I started asking the questions, but no one said anything to me before then.

  11. Thinking about it some more. My daughter does know that there are boys and there are girls. She’s seen me change a boy’s diaper so she knows what a penis looks like. I use the words penis and vagina to describe the genitals, although I usually call my breasts – boobs. She’s seen me change my tampons and knows that someday she’ll do that too. I’ve also told her, on several occasions, that she came from my stomach and “isn’t that funny, you couldn’t fit in there now though!”. …

    So am I inadvertently giving my daughter Sex Ed already? Before she’s even IN Kindergarden??? *Gasp* I must be such a terrible mother for not hiding all those terrible icky realities from my daughter!

  12. Everything went downhill when they started allowing women to act on stage in the theatres.

    (Seriously, I have an old lit textbook on Restoration drama that argues this, because then you started getting real kissing and crossdressing girls *in pants* for the first time in public, presented as acceptable entertainment. So everything’s gone to the dogs since 1660.)

  13. Are we counting Paglia as a feminist now?

    Paglia is a feminist like Joe Biden is a liberal Democrat. Feminists don’t necessarily count Paglia as one of us, but to the great unwashed, she is the epitome of a feminist. So hence, whatever she says is felt to be the feminist position and moreover, how she says it is the way feminists say things.

    And just as how, based on the effeteness and ineffectuality of our media appointed (not even Dem. party appointed) spokespeople, people perceive liberals as being effete, based on how people like Paglia speak and behave, that is how people perceive feminists.

    So how do we define ourselves based on who we want to define us rather than whom the media picks? That’s the question, eh?

  14. the feint of heart

    Oh contraire!

    Adolescents are having sex with no strings

    Masha West needs more than just a copyeditor – but it’s a good place to start. Since we’re talking about issues of degeneration and all… *snigger*

  15. Wow! Madonna is so powerful that a single kiss from her can send Britney to her doom!!!! Madonna is just so gonna love this article!

  16. Masha West is correct in describing Camille Paglia is a radical feminist. Haven’t you heard? “Radical Feminist” means “woman who says or does something that Masha West don’t like.”

  17. I think the sex ed to five year olds thing is caused by people conflating the idea of saying “if someone touches spots covered by a bathing suit, tell an adult” and well..actual sex ed..

  18. Today’s children are train wreck. They’re undisciplined, disrespectful and, frankly, as lazy as a Sunday morning

    The mournful cry of old fogies since, probably, H. erectus walked the earth. First recorded in ancient Egypt. Yet, despite generation on generation of train wreck, undisciplined, disrespectful children, the world has gone on and society has even progressed. Guess they don’t turn out so bad after all.

  19. Incidently, does anyone else read West’s essay and think “jealousy”? Seems like her main grievance is that “kids today” are having fun that she didn’t get to have at that age. Sad. I’m sorry for her, but I don’t see how keeping another generation ignorant, miserable, and at risk of everything from STDs to bad marriages is going to help her any.

  20. I read this article when Feministing linked to it. It is so badly written and full of misunderstandings and contradictions that I didn’t really think it was worth linking to.

    As to sex ed in kindergarten: yes, I believe it happens, and yes it’s a good thing. Naming the body parts, introducing the concept that people have sex, menstruate, get erections (which 5-year old children do) falls under the general category of “sex ed.” When I have kids, they will know all of these things long before kindergarten.

  21. Note: American wrestling TV network, WWE, is the second most searched for item on Yahoo!.

    HAHAHA! This article is satire, right? (It’s funnier than that stupid rape ‘satire,’ that’s for sure.) Because, you know, wrestling is what feminism is all about!

    And I love the breathless account of desperate school officials prying apart writhing teens whom nothing could keep apart. Where’s Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze when you need them!?!

  22. I don’t dance or go clubbing or anything like that, but I don’t get what the problem is with kids grinding. They’re not having sex. They’ll wait until at LEAST they get to the car before they do that.

    Ellie: So long as they’re off school property, you know?

  23. My gosh, that was badly written. I mean, my ten-year-old writes like that, but he’s ten. “Another trend”, “which brings me to” – yes, yes, we get it, you have done many an exhaustive reading of that “Twenty Handy Essay Transitions For Middle-Schoolers” handout that your English teacher gave you back in the day. “Obviously”, “often”, “the rule not the exception” – you have no idea of whether these things are true, so you dipped into the handy bag o’ weasel-words.
    Sexually explicit dancing isn’t nearly the threat to the youth of America that this woman is, should she ever write anything that they might read.

  24. Today’s children are train wreck. They’re undisciplined, disrespectful and, frankly, as lazy as a Sunday morning

    Oh, where’s Paul Lynde when you need him? I think he covered pretty much everything in his most famous song from Bye, Bye Birdie, which first appeared on Broadway in 1960.

    “Kids. I don’t know what’s wrong with these kids today. Kids, who can understand anything they say? Kids, they are disobedient, disrespectful oafs. Noisy, lazy, sloppy, crazy loafers. And while we’re on the subject. Kids, you can talk and talk ’til your face is blue. Kids, but they still do just what they want to do? Why can’t they be like we were? Perfect in every way? What’s the matter with kids today?”

    Let’s see. Undisciplined – I guess disobedient counts. Disrespectful? Check! Lazy? Check!

  25. Rhiannon: heh, when the xCLP was a couple of months old I started telling her that she was my own special baby that I made in my tummy, so I guess I’m at it too! Certainly in all those families where the kids are a couple of years apart, the older one gets some sex ed from seeing the bump. Or are parents supposed to hide the bump and tell some twee story about storks in Masha West’s universe?

  26. sweet mother of pearl. the movie dirty dancing came out in 1987. i’m not really sure we can call it a new trend in the young people when that was TWENTY YEARS AGO.

    of course, i remember when people got all het up about zee forbidden dance, the lumbada! that movie came out in…1990, which put it right to titilate my high school.

  27. I think the term “sex ed” can be misleading at times – in fifth grade (public school) I had sex ed, but it was the type of sex education where you learn about your body and what happens to it at puberty. I had sex ed again in seventh and ninth grades, but these were more about relationships, contraception, and the actual sex act. I do, however, remember knowing what sex was at five (I’m 24).

    Sometimes I wonder which type of sex ed these people are talking about – especially in terms of having sex ed for 5 year olds – it could be just children learning what parts they have and what those parts do. But I suppose West wouldn’t think to inquire about the nature and content of these proposed programs.

  28. I don’t dance or go clubbing or anything like that, but I don’t get what the problem is with kids grinding. They’re not having sex.

    Uh, yeah, they are. Speaking as someone who used to go clubbing back in the dark old days when we didn’t call it “clubbing”.

  29. Doesn’t feminism have some responsibility for Paris Hilton and Britney Spears flashing her girly bits? Seriously. Feminism did used to be a sexual liberation movement, at least in part. That’s mostly history now, and not stuff modern feminists on blogs worry about – you’re probably not that old – but it did happen.

    I don’t think Paris/Britney would have happened were it not for feminism. Sandra Lee and Doris Day didn’t go around flashing their girly bits. I think the change in sexual mores which allows Paris/Britney to wander around kickerless is directly attributable to feminism. I’m not saying this is a bad thing, just that there’s a pretty strong case there that shouldn’t be dismissed. Feminists as well as the free love and gay pride bridages were a big part of the sexual revolution – just ‘cos someone mentions feminism doesn’t mean it’s automatically about third wavers.

  30. I’ve a fried who does most of the overtime in his department because “those thirty-somethings just don’t want to work! They don’t step up when it’s time to do some extra work.”

    So much for “lazy children” — I’m sure he defines them a generation older than the one whining in your post. It’s all a matter of perspective.

  31. is she really just now stumbling on to the concept of “freaking?” (which i imagine is a term that would get her laughed out of any middle school dance, but I don’t know; i can’t keep up with the lingo of the kids these days). “freaking” was a very popular phenomenon at 7th and 8th grade dances when I was in junior high, which was not exactly, oh, in the last 10 years….

  32. I don’t think Paris/Britney would have happened were it not for feminism.

    I’d say feminism probably had some influence over some of the particulars of the choices those women made, how people reacted, and how they were able to get famous by flashing their stuff. But you can say the same thing, to a far greater extent about television. Heck, Britney Spears probably wouldn’t have had the same career, sucesses, failures, public image, and fame without the invention of recorded music, and nobody’s trying to blame Thomas Edison for her.

    Women choosing to make outrageous public sexual displays for attention isn’t exactly a new phenomenon. Look up the Roman Empress Messalina for some interesting examples. And women becoming famous or successful by selling sexual titillation certainly happened in the days of good old Betty Grable. Now Britney’s more shocking than Betty Grable, but less so tha Messalina. She certainly isn’t following the script most feminists would lay out for her, and about all the feminist defense she’s likely to get attaches to her right to act that way without being forcibly suppressed. So feminism’s probably a factor, but not a major one, and not something to be blamed in the outraged tone of the article (“Feminism caused teenagers to develop an interest in sex!).

  33. Nah, Shaniq, this is the type that spreads urban legends about feminists teaching kindergarteners how to put condoms on bananas 😛

  34. They note how young girls are ‘starting’ to have cat fights supposedly all the time, and how these girls are ‘proud’ to have their bruised faces all over the internet.

    Setting aside the fact that this article was rife with stereotypes.. has enyone forgotten that it is perfectly acceptable for BOYS to fight any time? Or at least expected? No, maybe this hasn’t been forgotten.. most likely, the double standard strikes again.

  35. Re: Sex Ed growing up a la me

    When I was eight I asked my female influence at the time about where babies came from. She took me to the library and rented me a video tape on The Reproductive System: Conception through Birth. It taught me most the things I needed to know (except what actually giving birth is – cause for some reason the tape went blank at that point… though the sound was still working…. my theory is that is was censorship). By the time the public schools got around to teaching anything about it (5th grade – about 2-3 years later), I was already pretty well informed and just sat dutifully (but bored) through the lesson and videos.

    Amazingly I didn’t end up a little tramp-whore with umpteen kids by the time I was 12…. /rolls eyes

  36. Oh please, I totally got into fights with my best friends when I was a kid. And there were definately female bullies in my school. I think “their” problem is that the public has only just now realized… gee girls get mad too!

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