In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

From The Special Moderation Queue

The “unclear on the concept” edition:

Considering the fact that you’re feminists and most likely therefore lesbians wearing jean shorts, hiking boots and flannel shirts, who in their right mind would WANT to (your words) “fuck with” you?

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41 thoughts on From The Special Moderation Queue

  1. I’m not sure whether to scorn or pity those people. I tend to favour pity for close acquaintances, though, such as the friend who told me that I couldn’t be a feminist because I a. don’t own flannel and b. am currently dating a male-bodied, male-identified man.

  2. The funniest thing about *that* for me is “jean shorts, hiking boots and flannel shirts” were *exactly* the kind of dress that really turned my ex on. He loved that. Aaaaanyway, too bad clueballs can’t be dropped on these folks.

  3. I was just gonna say, anon, that that kind of outfit can be pretty hot.

    Can’t disagree with that. Also, years of watching Cinemax have taught me that lesbians are teh hott.

    What? 😛

  4. Oh lordy lordy lordy. I come in here to say that I think jean shorts, hiking boots and flannel shirts are quite lovely on women, and I find that like 14 people beat me to it.

    Seriously, YAY US!

  5. Who the hell would want to ‘fuck with’ someone like that? is the real question.

    Most often I find men with views like that tied pretty tightly to a
    1) Young Version: (non-married or married under ten years) woman who looks all the Sexay Ladee, but rules with an iron hand from a very subtle angle.
    2) Older Version: (married ten years and up) A tired, worn-out, bored, disinterested woman who rules with an iron hand from a very direct angle.

    Pity the fools and smile knowing they hate you for your freedom and blame you for their stupidity.

  6. you’re feminists and most likely therefore lesbians wearing jean shorts, hiking boots and flannel shirts

    Well, I know what’ll be in my dreams tonight.

  7. My second wife and I got married at the height of the flannel craze in the midst of the grunge era; I was 27, she was 26. Marriage lasted eighteen months. She loved flannel.

    She moved in with a woman not long after we divorced, and finally came out to her parents.

    Just sayin’.

    Me, I still have some fine old LL Bean flannels.

    Bottom line, what’s been hot for me over the years has varied. One thing is consistent: a woman who doesn’t know she is fully my equal, intellectually, politically, sexually and spiritually, is by definition NOT hot.

    Sorry about the drift.

  8. That old gag. Personally if I was going to make a joke based on stereotypes I would have gone with combat boots and a dyke mullet (excuse the term). Good Lord, if you’re going to make an offensive joke at least be funny.

  9. Urban Outfitters sells the *cutest* jean shorts with adorable rips and frays and fringe. They look exactly like you were really artistic and talented and cut them off yourself (or someone did in the 60’s).

    Sadly, they’re a Republican company that tries to deceive us into buying their cute clothes and pop-progressivish books so they can give our money to evil causes. Sigh.

  10. This reminds me of the last time I went out, which really exemplifies how I, as a college student, can go an entire semester without going out.

    I went to listen to my friend’s guitar performance at a nice place. Sat down at a table with my friends. Had some guy show up at my table and start arguing religion with my roommate. Somehow I wound up saying I was a feminist and his immediate response was “Do you hate men?”

  11. Considering the fact that you’re feminists and most likely therefore lesbians wearing jean shorts, hiking boots and flannel shirts, who in their right mind would WANT to (your words) “fuck with” you?

    Scotsmen with weird senses of humour, if memory serves me right.

  12. I do not own a pair of jean shorts [don’t care for them] or any flannel shirts [same reason]. I do own a pair of hiking shoes, but I wear them with the appropriate hiking clothing — when hiking.

    However, I am a feminist and a lesbian. Hmmm… I must not have gotten the memo.

  13. So if this guy finds feminists and lesbians so undesirable, why’s he skulking around a blog called, “Feministe”? I think somebody likes the feminists.

  14. Let me get out my special Misogynist Asshole Decoder Ring.

    Encrypted:I would never fuck you.”


    Decrypted: “Can I fuck you? Please?”

  15. Hey now, isn’t that a pretty dated reference? I was under the impression that lesbians had moved on from flannel. Unless Grunge is coming back?

  16. or you know, punk maybe? sheesh has he never seen a protest?…oh wait…probably not. when ive gone its been mostly older ladies with peace buttons and then sexay sexay punk girls.

  17. Somehow I wound up saying I was a feminist and his immediate response was “Do you hate men?”

    “No, it’s not the fault of all the other men that you have XY chromosomes.”

  18. Repeat of a few comments, but my extremely hetero male boyfriend would call me “adorable” if I showed up in that denim shorts/flannel shirt/hiking boots outfit.

    And he rocks hiking boots with his kilt, what do you make of THAT???

  19. The clothing description sounds *exactly* like what your well-dressed native-born Minnesotan wears in the summer, at least “up North”.**
    What?! You all have never worn shorts and a winter coat at the same time? What kind of freaks *are* you? 😉

    ** I generally don’t do jean shorts (I have a nifty pair of zip-off leg camping pants that are very comfy, though), and I don’t actually own hiking boots (I should really rectify that some time), but I do own plenty of flannel. And yes, I’m heterosexual, more or less, and married to a guy who, if he doesn’t actually DIG flannel, at least doesn’t make the icky face when I pull it out ’cause I’m COLD. Man, you’d think the trolls would at least be creative here….

  20. Apparently this guy thinks he’s being propositioned every time someone tells him, “Don’t fuck with me.”

  21. you’re feminists and most likely therefore lesbians wearing jean shorts, hiking boots and flannel shirts

    It comforts him to think feminists are most likely lesbians because that would explain why women don’t want anything to do with him. It couldn’t be anything to do with him, right?

  22. Wait, except for the “shorts” part, he just described my entire state.

    Oh well, I guess we’re all just a bunch of hippie dykes up this way anyway. Even the men. All of us, hippie dykes.

    Also, at this point we’re just picking nits, but “likely therefore” is not a valid grammatical construction.

  23. I’m pretty amused because in the past two weeks, I’ve worn hiking boots more than 80% of the time.

    Has it ever occurred to these people that some of us, you know, have to walk a mile or two over muddy ground on a daily basis? Damn, wouldn’t I love to be able to wear my stilettos… but alas, it is not to be.

  24. Hah! I have to say, I frequently wear all of these things, AND I am a feminist AND a queer. I am a walking stereotype! Of course, usually the flannel shirts and hiking boots are usually worn in fall and winter, and the shorts in summer.

    Yet somehow, getting laid has never been a problem for me. Funny, that.

  25. “No, it’s not the fault of all the other men that you have XY chromosomes.”

    Just one.

  26. Oh my–can the trolls at least be creative? I mean I’ve heard that about feminists since I was in grade school (and I’m 36). Imagination trolls imagination! At least entertain us.

    Since I prefer capris and cargo pants to shorts, does that mean I’m not a feminist?

  27. I always chuckle when anti-feminists bring out the flannel, or the short haircuts, or the unshaven body parts, etc, to link “lesbian” with “masculine” and therefore with “ugly.”

    Because, as a femme, I read these things as clear markers of a butch dyke, and I think butches are super fine and sexy!

    One need only to look to the queer community to find that what is considered yucky to some people is cherished by others.

    Big angry scary lesbos? Let me at ’em!

  28. “No, it’s not the fault of all the other men that you have XY chromosomes.”

    I am so using that sometime.

  29. Considering the fact that you’re feminists and most likely therefore lesbians wearing jean shorts, hiking boots and flannel shirts, who in their right mind would WANT to (your words) “fuck with” you?

    Ooh, me! Pick me! Pick me, please! I dig women in flannel and denim. I’ll fuck around with them. Please?

  30. Imagination, trolls, please! Denim shorts and flannel do not a lesbian make. I mean, I like to wear cargo shorts and tank tops with my hiking boots, but that doesn’t make me Lara Croft!

    But it’d be awesome if it did. ::sigh::

  31. The weird part is that after fourteen years of being active in the lesbian community, I’ve probably only seen lesbians in flannel shirts a max of ten times. But I guess accusing us of being serial t-shirt wearers doesn’t work. Why do people still believe in an outmoded stereotype? At least advance the damn stereotype a couple decades.
    And since when is flannel shirt wearing such an insult? I’d be more embarrassed to be called on my constant re-reading of Curious Wine than wearing a flannel shirt.

  32. O.o Weird. The one time an older lesbian propositioned me at work she was indeed wearing flannel and hiking boots, although jeans and not jean shorts.

    This discussion has me rolling. *^.^* I’m bi- and fiercely feminist but I very rarely ever wear anything besides skirts. I can’t stand restrictive clothing!

    I love flannel too but only have one article of flannel clothing left in my closet…. yes, post-Grunge! — red flannel pants rife with safety pins. (They totally rocked with my huge stompy black boots!)

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