In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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15 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Hi Everyone.

    I would love to hear everyone thoughts on my latest book release”Murder Seen Through the Eyes of a Child”. You can find it on all the online stores or at my website, I look forward to hearing from you.

    1. Great posts.

      Last fall, I taught a class in Laura Ingalls Wilder here at UA-Fort Smith (in Arkansas). Many students took it who had only seen the 1970/80s TV show; the books were a revelation to them.

      It was a good class.

      1. Thank you, delagar! I bet that was a great class–I’ve never seen the series, except in clips, so I came to the books fresh.

  2. We wrote about why women’s health care providers are 3.5 times more likely to use LARCs — or long-acting reversible contraception — like implants and IUDs.

    Also, a pretty huge headline roundup, chock full of news from reproductive justice, health, LGBTQ rights, and more.

  3. I’m currently at Oxford University, did graduate school in biophysics at Johns Hopkins University. I’ve gone through a cyclical emotional process wrt gender issues: confusion, apathy, anger…only recently have I started feeling like there was a more proactive and active way for me to contribute to the gender equality movement while not taxing myself emotionally. To that end I started a joint project with another Rhodes scholar here and a well known counselor, Cindy Spring. We put together a children’s book series focused on emotional intelligence. We’ve found that most gender issues are born out of culture, which is itself born out of how we teach our children to think. A lot of male (and female) friends have been incredibly instructive in helping us to understand how they see women, sexuality, masculinity, and their own self worth. We feel that addressing the root causes of the skewed female archetype is crucial to advancing equality–for both women and men. This is why we think a children’s book series that helps children identify their own feelings (and differentiate them from other influences) is a necessary component to change. While one book series won’t change the world, it can get a conversation started about the way we teach boys and girls about their emotions. This opens the possibility to subsequently alter our perceptions of what is acceptable behavior for children, helping to create a healthier new generation.

    We’ve just recently started to take this project–and have received a small donation from the University. Upon urging from the JHU business school we decided to make a Kickstarter project to help us fund the series.

  4. Women’s Philharmonic Advocacy is a nonprofit organization working to level the playing field for women composers. We all know Bach, Beethoven, and the boys – but what about Louise Farrenc, Fanny Mendelssohn, Ethel Smyth?

    We are raising money to provide grants to community, youth, and professional orchestras to help cover the costs of including these works in their season programming. Funding can be used to purchase or rent parts, hire extra personnel, and support educational efforts to help spread the word about the largely forgotten work of women composers.

    Read more about our work at!

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