In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Events, Events

Lots of good activist stuff happening in the next couple weeks. Check it out:

The War on Contraception: Patients’ Rights on the Front Lines

Elisabeth Benjamin, JD, MSPH, Director, new York Civil Liberties union, reproductive rights Project
Silvia Henriquez, Director, national Latina institute for reproductive Health
Yael Swica, MD, MTS, assistant Clinical Professor of Family Medicine, Program Director for Family Planning Services, Columbia university Center for Family Medicine
Lois Uttley, MPP, Director, MergerWatch
Member of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice

When: Wednesday, September 20th
time: 6 – 8 pm Light refreshments will be served beginning at 6 pm
Where: Open Society Institute, 400 West 59th Street, 3rd Floor

Please rSVP to: Emiko Otsubo, – or – (646) 649-9921
or Reena Singh, – or – (212) 261-4415
this event is made possible by generous support from the Dyson Foundation and the robert Sterling Clark Foundation.
Sponsored bY:
MergerWatch Project
Physicians for reproductive Choice and Health®
(don’t have a link for this one, sorry)

World Orphan Week
October 2-8, 2006

Today there are over 15 million orphans due to AIDS, and that number is growing every day. By the year 2010, UNICEF is forecasting that there will be over 120 million orphaned children worldwide due to disease, poverty, war, and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina and the Tsunami.

World Orphan Week was started in 2005 in the UK and was successful in raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for orphaned children. This year, the US is joining the UK in hopes of increasing international awareness. Our supporters are planning bake sales, car washes, potluck dinners, silent auctions and more events to raise money and build awareness for SOS Children’s Villages and World Orphan Week.

Global Day for Darfur
September 17th, 2006

On Sep 17th, people worldwide will take part in the Global Day for Darfur to show support for the people of Darfur and to urge UN and our governments to accelerate the implementation of UNSC resolution 1706.

Rallies will be held at the United Nations and in the major cities around the globe.

Please joint the rally wherever you are and do not forget to wear a blue hat and a blue shirt. In case you can not physically join the rally anywhere, you can join by adding your voice in the following petition:

Add my name to the Day for Darfur campaign

For more info, check the following links:

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