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Sunday Night New Wave

One of my favorites.

5 thoughts on Sunday Night New Wave

  1. This is exactly the kind of 80’s music (and artist) that I miss so much – thanks for the YouTube peek! I’ve always admired Deborah Iyall’s outspoken views on women in music. I was wondering what happened to this group after all these years, and I found out lead singer/poet Iyall is still active on the music scene with her band, Knife in Water. Neat.

  2. That was awesome, thanks for posting it! I’ve never seen the video, but I’ve always enjoyed and danced to that song plenty. I’ll have to check out Knife in the Water. Agreed about female 80’s artists, they were quite diverse compared to now. Off the top of my head I can think of Debbie Harry, the Wilson sisters, Cyndi Lauper, Siouxsie Sioux, Kate Bush, Grace Jones, Chrissie Hynde, Joan Jett, Laurie Anderson… the list goes on and on. All talented women, all genre-breaking and interesting.
    What can we compare it to now? Paris Hilton, Ashlee Simpson? Karen O is pretty cool, but there seems to be somewhat of a dearth of talented and interesting female artists these days.
    Oh, nostalgia.
    Ooh, that reminds me- whatever happened to Shriekback?

  3. I loved and love this song. I have the vinyl EP I picked up somewhere, kickass. Never knew much about them though, thanks for the history. Lenka, I’ll have to look her up.

    I don’t want is going on with popular music, although I think there is still an underground or non-pop facet, I’m not eighteen anymore so i don’t want it is.

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