In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

I know this is Zuzu’s job, but…

From the special moderation queue:

It has come to my attention that the liberal left have distorted the English language by making up non-sensical phrases to describe things and activities that have been easily defined for hundreds of years. The true meanings of these propagandish phrases are as follows:
Embrace diversity-love a nigger, spic, wap, chink, or sand nigger
Empower women-have politicians looking for votes allow the courts to become communistic tools to give women money from fathers getting screwed by the system so they won’t tax the welfare wystem and get handouts with less shame
gay rights-allow fags and dykes to sodomise and copulate without getting castrated or de-cunt lipped
domestic violence-what happens when a husband catches his bitch sucking his neighbors dick
wetland-a worthless swamp that should be used for a garbage dump but liberals want it for “wildlife”
undocumented alien-a spic in the USA illegally
politically correct-what the unhappy commentors to this post will attempt to define so readers will think they are “in the know” and “cool”

Thank you, booboo, for enlightening all of us about the true meaning of these propagandish phrases.

Posted in Uncategorized

28 thoughts on I know this is Zuzu’s job, but…

  1. politically correct-what the unhappy commentors to this post will attempt to define so readers will think they are “in the know” and “cool”

    Uh…no, politically correct didn’t cross my mind. “Deeply disturbed,” yes. “Racist, sexist mouth-breather?” Sure. But “political correctness?” Not so much.

  2. Wow. This guy also showed up at the Happy Feminist and Brownfemipower’s place recently. It’s still nauseating.

  3. This is non-sensical [sic]. If he learned how to spell before telling us liberals that we’ve distorted the language would be a nice touch.

  4. Wow, this guy goes way beyond most right-wingers. Usually they are quick to disavow racism (macaca statements notwithstanding) and adhere to the “love the sinner hate the sin” mantra when it comes to gays.

  5. First of all, if you’re going to use ethnic slurs, at least spell them right (hint: it’s short for “without papers”, dummy, the original undocumented workers). Second, if this guy thinks scrota and labia are analogous, I feel sorry for any girl that ends up in the sack with him.

  6. domestic violence-what happens when a husband catches his bitch sucking his neighbors dick

    “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and bitch. You may now smack the bride…”

    This guy is practically a parody of himself *eyeroll*

  7. He’s got another one in the moderation queue, too. About a suppurating vagina and lots of homophobia.

    Also has an easily-traceable ISP. Which might very well be his employer’s.

  8. Let’s see, a racist, sexist spammer who most likely lives in his mother’s basement and smells like old socks. .

    What a great addition to the moderation petting zoo.

    You should look more closely at that ISP zuzu. He deserves it.

  9. Also has an easily-traceable ISP. Which might very well be his employer’s.

    You know, I don’t think anyone would blame you if you used this information. The guy is clearly nuts, possibly dangerous.

  10. Second, if this guy thinks scrota and labia are analogous,

    I believe they’re equivalent… at a certain period of gestation before the fetus develops sex organs.

    Draw your own conclusion…

  11. “Analogous” is exactly what labia and scrota are. Analogous is not the same as “same,” though.

  12. gay rights-allow fags and dykes to sodomise and copulate without getting castrated or de-cunt lipped

    I hate to admit it, but he’s got us dead to rights with this part. We’re all in favor of homosexuals not being mutilated.

  13. Wow! My eyes are truly opened! How blind I have been! Thank goodness this eloquent fella has graced us all by showing us the light! I shall no longer be so “propagandish” as to embrace diversity, empower women or support gay rights! In fact… Oh my god! I’m a “wap!” NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! P-tuh! p-tuh! I spit upon myself!

  14. Erim: I hate to quibble, (oh, who am I kidding? I love to quibble) but the origin of “wop” is quite probably not an acronym of any kind. I’ve never heard of a slang term (racial slur or otherwise) for which the supposed origin as an acronym turn out to be true.

    That said, etymology aside, I admire your knowledge of slightly antiquated racial epithets.

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