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The Heavens Open, The Angels Sing

Can’t believe what a difference a new bra makes.

Can’t believe how thoroughly shot my old one was, either.

What makes you feel surprisingly good?

36 thoughts on The Heavens Open, The Angels Sing

  1. More specific, Rando. You can do it.

    I just got rid of a massive armoire/computer desk that’s I never wanted in the first place that’s been sitting in what will become my “office”. That feels fucking great. I can look in the empty space and see my finished “office” now. It’s beautiful. *sniff*

  2. Pulling weeds in the garden. You can see instant results,, unlike working on a dissertation. (Stupid methodology chapter. Sigh.) I think it also meshes well with the after-weeding cold beverage and/or trip for ice cream afterward. Which, of couse, you just HAVE to eat in the car, with the windows down, even if it’s over 100 degrees – it’s just not the same eating ice cream in the store…

  3. Sex. I am still surprised, just about every time I have it, at how good it feels. You’d think it would be easy to remember, given how much I think about it and how often I have it, but no, I’m always surprised.

  4. Freshly washed and styled hair, preferably done by a professional. I can never get it quite right on my own. I blame lack of blow-drying practice during my formative teenage years.

  5. Getting uncluttered. I’m very close to the finish line in this apartment, and I can’t wait until everything is neat, clean and put away.

    Hearing a new album that I can tell I’m going to love.

  6. Having a really long, exhausting day that involves hanging out with boyfriend/friends/both (my most recent personal example would be going to an amazing concert that was also my very first mosh pit! heh, followed by a post-midnight snack at a Polish diner), and then that moment when you finally get to go to bed and just rest on a nice soft mattress… mmmmmm.

  7. More specific, Rando. You can do it.

    Well, OK. I was listening to Opeth’s latest when i wrote that, so we’ll go with listening to Opeth. But really any good music makes me feel surprisingly good.

    Also…Rando? You make me sound like Sly Stone or something…

  8. randomliberal: I intended it to be slightly over-familiar. A bit presumptuously chummy, maybe.

    I’ve heard good things about Opeth. I’ll DL some from my metalhead friend.

  9. Actually finding a decent bra in my size under 50 bucks- 32DD is the white whale of bra sizes, I tell you.

    Also- pants, while getting longer in the legs- which is fantastic (hey, short people can always hem. I just had to live with highwaters most of my life), are getting ever shorter in the zipper- so if I can actually find a pair of jeans that are long enough, and don’t cause ass cleavage or muffin top (you know, when your hips spill out over your pants), I’m quite elated.

  10. Knif:

    I didn’t mean that to be quite as defensive as it probably looked. I just thought it was kind of funny.

    And yes, Opeth is quality stuff. I highly recommend them to any potential metalhead.

  11. A long bath before sliding into a freshly-made bed with clean sheets for a long sleep that doesn’t have an alarm at the other end of it = #1.

  12. I didnโ€™t mean that to be quite as defensive as it probably looked. I just thought it was kind of funny.

    Don’t worry, taken as given.

    Are you a Mike Patton fan?

  13. Neroli hydrosol, right out of the fridge, spritzed on my face at midnight. Goat cheese pesto twists from the local bakery eaten on a walk home from the bay. Walking to and from the bay (I love where I live!)

  14. Natural body care products, especially Crown and Glory, California Baby, Jason berry mint toothpaste…

  15. I’m definitely with you on the new bra feeling and YooHooligan took my next-best. I am the world’s most unrepentant slob, but I do change the sheets weekly because–OH, what a feeling that is.

  16. A year ago, I bought my own home for the very first time. That *still* makes me smile every morning, and want to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. It’s MINE!!!

    And the fact that *when* I wake up, I roll over and look out the bedroom window at the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. GREAT feeling.

  17. The smell of fresh sheets that dried outside on the clothesline.

    Godiva’s chocolate-raspberry truffles.

    Finding ANY clothing that fits well and is atractive, off the rack. (I am short, round, and busty. NOTHING fits right!) I’ve actually found jeans that fit lately, and *aren’t* a mile too long! Yaay!

    Kitty head bumps and snudges. Unless I am REALLY, REALLY crabby, this always makes me smile. (A bonus is the warm kitty smell on the short fur on top of his/her head by the ears. ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry, I can’t describe it any better.)

    Dancing, either in class or spontaneously. I generally get a big goofy grin whenever I dance these days. I’d say it was too many years of performance, but it *feels* really real, not staged.

    You know what? This is a Very Good Topic, what with the world falling apart at the seams (apparently). Reminds us that even when life is really crappy, the little things really do mean a lot.

  18. Actually finding a decent bra in my size under 50 bucks- 32DD is the white whale of bra sizes, I tell you.

    Try finding a 32F for under 25. can’t be done outside of ebay.

  19. Ridiculously good?

    Reading through a fanfic I’ve written the first time after I’ve written it.
    Reading anyone’s well-worded writing.
    Driving—without anyone else in the car; preferably with good music on.
    Good music, period.
    Pretty much anything related to Pirates of the Caribbean.
    Drawing something well.
    Most orgasms.
    Mountain Dew.
    Strawberries. Peaches. Nectarines. Kiwi. Plums. Cherries. Raspberries. Blackberries. Grapes. Sliced oranges.

  20. -Sleep… a night of uninterrupted sleep. I haven’t had one in months, but it would feel ridiculously good.
    -Sex, especially after a long day, it feel amazing to just collapse into bed with the husband.
    -A new haircut
    -My new jaqua shower gel… thick, rich and smells like caramel cappucino. I follow it with chocolate body butter and I’m in heaven.

  21. When my son crawls on top of me in the rocking chair and I sing him to sleep. It happens several times a week, and yet it feels surprisingly good every time.

  22. A really comfy bed. A dishwasher that actually gets all the dishes clean and is quiet. Cat snuggles. Little kid snuggles. Big kid snuggles. Spouse snuggles.

    All of it at the same time: mind-blowingly good.

  23. A bonus is the warm kitty smell on the short fur on top of his/her head by the ears. ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry, I canโ€™t describe it any better

    OMG I love that smell. I’d bottle it if I could.

    I love getting the same day off as my husband. A whole day together! Also: climbing into bed after an 18-hour workday and thinking about how much I’d rather be snuggled up in my jammies.

    And chocolate. That’s always good.

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