In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

5 thoughts on Cooking Up a Story

  1. That chicken recipe looks easy – yum!

    A coworker in our Austin office (she lives way outside the city on large country property) owns goats so she doesn’t have to cut the grass. I’ve been trying to get my uncles to do the same b/c their back yard is terrible – there’s a point where the grass is so high you can’t see to the back fence. And baby goats are so cute!

  2. Come out to lovely Colorado! In Boulder, there’s Haystack goat farm, and they make some of the best goat cheeses you’ll ever taste (and many of the restaurants, from burger joints to 4 stars, use their stuff.) You can tour the farm, visit the goats and get free cheese tasting. It. ROCKS…..

  3. One of my favorite fantasies when work/life/stress just gets to be Too Much, is to flee to the mountains where I can raise goats and do textile art of all sorts. Of course, I’d be raising Kashmir/Cashmere goats for their fabulous hair. *grin* Of course, that would mean a great deal of *brushing* said goats….

    I like goats. They have beautiful eyes and seem to generally have the “Me! Pay attention to ME!” kind of personalities, kind of like some cats. 🙂 One of the coolest pictures I’ve ever seen was of a barn kitty amidst a bunch of dairy goats at their feeding trough. It was dinner time, and some of them were standing on the trough in hopes of getting fed sooner.

    OK, rambling over. Must be the heat… Whew!

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