In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

It’s tomorrow morning.

They haven’t yet told me when. I’m actually a little anxious about releasing my postoperative body into my care. That’s not weird, is it? I found out this morning that I have even more reason to worry.

My doctor prescribed me pain pills–not Valium, unfortunately for my itchy skin–and an antibiotic. The pharmacist told me to start taking them right away. In fact, he said I should take them at shorter intervals than prescribed for that first day, since it was late afternoon and I was behind schedule. I assumed I was supposed to start taking them up until the day of surgery. I went home over the weekend, and my mother pointed out that there were far too few pills to last me until D-Day, or B-Day, or whatever. There would have been far fewer, if I hadn’t skipped at least one dose almost every day.

On Monday, I told the nurse-practitioner about it at my pre-op history appointment, and she called my doctor to ask him. He called me, but I failed to check my home messages for two days. When I finally heard the message, I started worrying that my surgery date would be vacated because I hadn’t taken my pre-op meds reliably, and was all set to harangue him into getting me another surgery date right away. (“I’m not going to be penalized because no one at Kaiser can figure out how many times four goes into twenty-eight…”)

I finally reached him this morning, and he told me that they were post-operative antibiotics, and that he was sending a scrip down to the pharmacy which I should make sure to pick up prior to surgery.

In other words, I kept forgetting to dose myself with a medication I wasn’t actually supposed to be taking at all. If I go septic, I want you all to know how much fun I had blogging here.

27 thoughts on It’s tomorrow morning.

  1. That is definitely not the pre-op experience I wish on anyone! I hope that just means they’re getting all the mistakes over with before they start cutting. Good luck!

  2. I know that the really important part of this is that your surgery is tomorrow and OH MY LORD! But all I could focus on was that you took antibiotics when you didn’t need to, and I am fidgeting around uncomfortably in sympathy. G-d how I loathe antibiotics.

    AHHHH TOMORROW! That is terribly exciting! Are you even going to be able to sleep at all tonight?!

  3. Piny, this is certainly no picnic, but if you didn’t already know this was worth it, you would not have come this far.

    Good luck, safe and speedy recovery.

  4. good luck and a speedy recovery, piny.

    (btw, i’m not sure if you know or even care, but next week’s queer eye will focus on a transguy.)

  5. I’ll be thinking of you, piny. I hope all goes well.

    A little confession:
    To reduce the chance of blood clots, my surgeon requested that his M2F patients discontinue taking estrogen several weeks before surgery. I was so phobic about discontinuing estrogen, that I continued taking my usual dose right up to the day before surgery. I was fine. It was a dumb thing to do, but I was fine.

    You’re going to be OK, piny. 😉

  6. You’re a fighter, piny. You wouldn’t be where you are if you weren’t tough. It’ll be a long journey, but a worthy one. We’re all on your side.

  7. Good luck, best wishes. I’ll be concentrating on my mom getting through surgery (laser eye surgery to fix her incredibly bad vision), but my thoughts will be with you too.

    The antibiotics can’t hurt, I bet. This way you’ll be nice and clear before and after! Or something.

  8. Good luck! (I realize it’s too late for you to read this before the surgery. But I’m sending good surgery vibes your way.)

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