In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

Netiquette reminders:

  • Want to recommend someone else’s writing instead? Try the latest signal-boosting thread.
  • we expect Content Notes as a courtesy to our readers for problematic content in linked posts and/or their comment threads (a habit of posting only triggering/disparaging links may annoy the Giraffe (you really don’t want to annoy the Giraffe))
  • extended discussion of self-promotion links on this thread is counter-productive for the intended signal-boosting –  the idea is for the promoted sites to get more traffic.  If it’s a side-discussion that would be off-topic/unwelcome/distressing on the other site, take it to #spillover after leaving a note on this thread redirecting others there.

25 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. Why?? I asked my city councilman, are you supporting a credibly accused rapist, a man convicted of kidnapping and assault for torturing a man for hours– you don’t see a pattern here? He’s evil, I said. And he’s favored to be our next mayor. This Christian forgiveness thing can get out of hand-
    Tarot Daily Dot Decoder

  2. Both sexism and racism are equally bad.

    But when police ignore the systematic rape of girls and blame them (a form of sexism) because they fear accusations of prejudice — given the ethnicity of the perpetrators — that’s a big problem. Because the harm caused by rape is so much greater than the harm caused by possible accusations of prejudice against the police dpt.

    (And why not point out that rape happens, regardless of ethnicity?)

    Rape: Not as bad as seeming prejudiced

    1. I think the source for the ‘afraid of seeming racist’ angle is the Daily Mail, which is what you would have if Fox News married the National Enquirer. Kill 2 birds with one stone- take a shot at liberalism and deflect attention from the real systemic failures that allowed these criminals to prey on children.

      1. My take on this is that people who have power and privilege can more blithely ignore any discomfort or even anger from those who are not in a position to punish them. Result: the “huh?” reflex. Not rocket science.

    1. Also, some men are “clueless” because pleading ignorance gets you off the hook more than admitting you’re an asshole

      (First comment also meant to answe OP – sorry for any confusion)

  3. If you rely on condoms to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases, you might want to be prepared for a certain emergency scenario: What do you do if the condom breaks? How long does it take for STD tests to be accurate? What if you or your partner (but not both) is positive for HIV or hepatitis B? And what if one of you is at risk for pregnancy? Learn about STD testing windows, post-exposure prophylaxis, and emergency contraception!

    Also, if you need more links, look no further than our Friday headline roundup — everything in sexual/reproductive health/justice.

  4. This week on Keepinitglassy, I redefined the Selfie, posted my take on the Ray Rice video (why it is imperative that it be shown, why his consequences were fair, and what we can do to limit these instances from happening ever again), and posed questions about the language we use in describing extremest organizations like ISIS.

    There are also articles on Feminism and motherhood, Hook up culture, gendered wage gaps, and much more!

    It’s a fun place, check it out!!!

    Also feel free to follow me on twitter @keepinitg1assy for regular post updates.



  5. Interviewed Joe Stevens: Queer Culture, Female Roots and Making Music as a Trans Man

    I received a Keurig 2.0 to review, gave it a failing grade b/c of environmental issues and got ugly backlash from other reviewers who thought I was ungrateful.

    Highmark (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) scheduled a movie event to honor National Coming Out Day. On the same night as the Opening Night for Pgh’s 29th International LGBT Film Festival. Just a few blocks away. Here’s why I think that could hurt the LGBT community.

    1. …you know, a content note for cissexism on that first link would have been really nice. Definitely wouldn’t have clicked through if I’d had any idea how bad it was going to be…

  6. This week I wrote about a few more party games and ideas, including some Halloween party ideas for toddlers and a cute party game for girls.
    Hope to see you all there 🙂

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