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This Week In Racist Police Profiling

Just two of the latest incidents:

Django Unchained Actress Accosted by LAPD After Kissing White Husband (who is subsequently referred to as her “boyfriend” in multiple news reports (oh and there was no police report of the event officially recorded since they realised she was a celebrity (kissing her husband outside her CBS workplace) and released her from the handcuffs they’d placed on her while they still thought she was a prostitute)).

Police Repeatedly Shoot Black Utah Man In The Back For Carrying A Samurai Sword He Just Bought (the police managed to not get a single shot into the front of a man purportedly rushing towards them allegedly brandishing that sword (and elsewhere police manage to defuse situations where white people carry assault rifles without opening fire on them at all).

I’ve sat here for half an hour trying to write something more and I just cannot find the words.

8 thoughts on This Week In Racist Police Profiling

  1. TMZ is reporting that the police were called because she and her husband were having sex in their car parked on the street in the middle of the day.

    1. Arguably,

      1) that doesn’t prove prostitution
      2) if it’s a crime, (ie, indecency) it was one they were both committing
      3) I’m not sure she’s still legally obligated to give her ID

  2. I read that TMZ report too. But that seems a bit like TMZ trying to get linkage.

    It certainly seems much more likely that the police were assholes than that a couple was, as TMZ reports, LITERALLY having sex in a car. With a door open, so viewers could see everything. On a busy street. In broad daylight.

    I can’t say it’s never been done by anyone, but it seems pretty unlikely, hmm?

  3. I must be the only one thankful to see these stories. I’m not under any illusion that stuff like this didn’t happen before the era when Twitter made it impossible for society to simply sweep these stories under the goddamn rug. It means we can’t be ignored anymore.

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