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10 thoughts on The Things Addicts Will Do To Get a Fix

  1. When grandmas go bad…


    Ya know, my grandma makes the best quilts and stuff… if she fell on hard times I soo can see her doing that to get her fix.

  2. I know this isn’t funny. But this is so funny! A knitter and her stash… you just can’t tell what might happen….

  3. HA!

    I opened this link without reading the article, then went to another window to finish an email to my mother about my exploits in learning to knit. (Two whole dishrags completed!) It the internet trying to give me a warning?

  4. I’m with Lauren.

    A gorgeous handpainted silk yarn would make the most beautiful top for summer… but damn, it’s expensive. I’m always tempted when I go into my local yarn store. Particularly since there’s almost no way for the owner to see anything, and she’s always crocheting something.

  5. The yarn in the picture looks an awful lot like “Touch Me” from Muench, one of those yarns the mere existence of which constitutes irresistable temptation to larceny. It’s a pest to knit with, but oh, my, the feel of the stuff – mmmmmmm.

  6. Ledasmom:

    Did you EVER find a way to either keep it from twisting or un-twist it easily? I could never figure it out and the fact that I’ve got it just sittting there makes me want to cry.

  7. I just stopped worrying about the twisting (and sometimes held it up and let it unwind – “Touch Me” is, what? only sixty yards a skein or thereabouts?). Once you’ve darned the ends in and thrown the thing in the washing machine and dryer to full, it looks decent even if the yarn twisted.
    It’s the only yarn I’ve ever knit with that could unknit itself. Slipperiest stuff I ever worked with. It flings itself off its cardboard tube into heaps on the floor. But if knitting it is too exasperating, you can always keep it around just to cuddle.

  8. I keep meaning to give it to one more deserving than I (not much of a knitter, I admit, but hand me an embroidery needle and watch me go) but every time I pick it up to pack it I somehow lose myself for an hour or two and when I come back around I forget what I was up to. I think they included mind-control fibers, perhaps it’s a good thing I could never finish that throw.

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