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NY vs. LA

It’s a showdown: Who has the best absurd tabloid stories?

Ever the loyal New Yorker, I’d like to think that we win on this one, if only for the presence of the Post. We had STAB BABY. And then we had CAT IN A WELL.

But LA seems determined to catch up, as Defamer links to this story: DOG IN A PIPE!

Usually, I’d say DOG IN A PIPE beats out CAT IN A WELL. But DOG IN A PIPE was actually in Texas, and just reported in the LA gossip pages. Pssh.

NY 1, LA 0.

5 thoughts on NY vs. LA

  1. I somehow managed to miss STAB BABY. Poor little stab baby. I’m glad she’s ok.

    (But the thing that stood out for me about that story was that I lived more or less around there about ten years ago, and I cannot believe that Washington Heights is now inhabited by lawyers whose kids have nannies. I had no idea I was one of the shock-troops of gentrification.)

  2. Besides, that dog’s barely in the pipe. I suppose DOG NOSE IN PIPE doesn’t sound as good.

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