In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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46 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I wrote a piece about students tweeting in lectures which provoked more controversy than I’d expected. Basically I was tired of hearing that twitter proves students are rude, feckless and vacuous, and argued that tweeting is part of the grand tradition of the arts and humanities.

  2. So, I am working on this new project — an epic fantasy with a female main character, but not in the horrible way that epic fantasy usually treats female characters.

    The Man with the Red Right Hand

    Maybe it is of some interest.

    (Content Notes: the main character is at no point in any danger from sexual assault. There is some fighting, though.)

  3. My name is Callie Wright, and I help run an organization called A Voice For The Innocent. We’re an online community of support for those affected by rape and sex crimes. We aim to 1. support people who have been affected and point them down their own path to healing and 2. amplify the conversation around the topic to make it less taboo and to empower people to speak out. Even if you aren’t personally affected, chances are you know someone who is. Our forum can be joined anonymously so people can share their stories without giving any info about themselves other than an email address. Check the site out and maybe share a link or two to anyone who may be interested?

  4. This has been an intense week.

    Content Note: transphobia, homophobia, slurs, cisnormative storyline

    The CBS sitcom “Mike and Molly” aired what I perceive to be a deliberate “FU” to the LGBTQ community, filled with jokes about everything from prison rape to a full scene dehumanizing Lousette, a transfemale character. I was appalled, but also uplifted to see so many people searching for information on this episode. CBS met with GLAAD earlier in the year to address similar concerns. It did not get better.

    As a perfect illustration why this matters, Pittsburgh City Councilman insisted he be appointed Council President because he is black and that’s the diversity that matters the most. He was called out by the openly gay councilman.

    After the drubbing I received because I wrote these two posts, I needed some self-love so I wrote The Five Ways You Can Help Someone to Stop Beating Up on Themselves. What do you think?

    Finally (or actually early in the week) I interviewed Lyndsey Sickler from Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Community Center about why it’s important to remember teens and youth at the holiday.

  5. Please visit the link and read our story. My son Thomas, who has a disability, is fighting for his right to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Please share our link.

  6. I made a post on LGBT Reddit (that is,‎
    called “Long Post on Coming Out as Bisexual”, which is about how to come out as bisexual, how to come out as a bisexual woman, why come out as bisexual, why come out as a bisexual woman, and what if you can’t come out.

    Here’s the link:

    In case the link breaks, I put up the post on November 21st, 2013, and my author name is 8c9Lgh4i.

    1. This post also shows the original Bill of Rights with its sexist language in bold; in other words it shows the sexist language in the Bill of Rights.

        1. Aaaand messed up the perma-link.

          Non-plussed by the drive by single word edits with no deeper analysis or critique and mass reproduction of the text. Fits the shameless side of things perfectly I guess.

        2. So am I missing something, or is this whole chain of 10+ links just documents with the ‘hes’ and ‘hims’ bolded?

          And if so, couldn’t you compress all of it into a one-sentence summary saying “we should use gender-neutral language instead of he/him?”

    1. This post also shows the original national anthem with its sexist language in bold; in other words it shows the sexist language in the national anthem.

  7. I also made a post on Hip Forums:Coming Out And Confused on what to do if you can’t come out of the closet, what to do if you can’t come out of the closet as a lesbian, what to do if you can’t come out of the closet as a bisexual woman, what to do if you can’t come out of the closet as a transgender woman, and what to do if you can’t come out of the closet as an asexual woman, as well as how to decide if you can’t come out of the closet as a lesbian, how to decide if you can’t come out of the closet as a bisexual woman, how to decide if you can’t come out of the closet as a transgender woman, and how to decide if you can’t come out of the closet as an asexual woman.

    Here’s the link:

    If the link breaks, I posted it November 22nd, 2013, and my author name is 8c9Lgh4i.

  8. I also made a post on Hip Forums:Coming Out And Confused on how to decide if you can come out of the closet, coming out of the closet as a lesbian, coming out of the closet as a bisexual woman, coming out of the closet as a transgender woman, and coming out of the closet as an asexual woman.

    Here’s the link:

    If the link breaks, I posted it November 23rd, 2013, and my author name is 8c9Lgh4i.

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