In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote yourself.

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  • we expect Content Notes as a courtesy to our readers for problematic content in linked posts and/or their comment threads (a habit of posting only triggering/disparaging links may annoy the Giraffe (you really don’t want to annoy the Giraffe))
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39 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I decided to take a crack at answering Daisy’s question from the post of her’s a while back (“Why don’t trans* women focus more on cissexist right-wing fundamentalists rather than cissexist left-wing radfems?”).

    I also talked a bit about the kind of environment you have to have if you genuinely want marginalized people to come into your space and educate you or share their views.

    All here: In Which I Answer Daisy

      1. I sent a pingback but I have no clue. She’s commented at my blog before, but I don’t know if she’s still a reader. She hasn’t responded yet.

        If by some chance she’s reading this… there was no ill-intent in the post I wrote. Simply an attempt to make sense of a bad situation that got worse…and worse…and worse.

  2. A little puzzle that shows that our brains see both people and things as gendered — and those genders as “opposite” — but only in our minds:

    Feminine Things Make You Look More Womanly, Right?

    And, I just got back from Washington DC, trying to get my members of Congress to be more egalitarian and open to social mobility via early childhood education, nutrition and the tax code:

    American Hunger Games

  3. This week I reviewed Proxy, which features nonsensical worldbuilding but a great LGBT protagonist. I also reviewed The Office of Mercy, which tackles dystopian ideas in different ways (what would it be like to live in a world built on preventing suffering by slaughtering the unfit?) but ultimately ends up feeling a bit by-the-numbers.

  4. I wrote up a piece on the stripper factories in the mythology of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I talk about why the problem is not necessarily the sexism (since advocates will tell you that male strippers are available in Pastafarian heaven, too), but how it stigmatizes sex workers.

    The stripper factories in Pastafarianism fail as satire—and fail brutally—because this is literally how we treat sex workers in the real world. It is like making a satirical portrait of Earth that depicts blue skies and green trees. We make public policy based on these ideas. One hot issue among activists right now is that sex workers in major cities are often forced to choose between using condoms or risking jail, because police can use condoms as evidence of prostitution. Every December 17, sex workers around the world hold events where they read the names of their colleagues who were murdered that year. They hold these events and read the names because if they don’t, no one will; dead hookers are a punchline, not a problem.

    I’d also like to point out that Sophie Hirschfeld, a sex worker herself, wrote an excellent post following up on mine and the the original post by Kate Donovan which brought the whole issue of the stripper factories into my consciousness.

  5. Our tiny record label released this song to raise funds for the Trayvon Martin Foundation and the Trayvon Martin Amendment (50% of proceeds) Rainy Night In Florida by The Granite Countertops in San Francisco
    Full lyrics here
    Full song here

    Please make a .99 cent contribution by clicking on the itunes link or listen to the full single first at link above.

    Thanks for letting me toot my horn!

  6. Not my post or my blog, obviously, but I did — if I do say so myself! — like a couple of my comments in a still-ongoing thread at Shakesville today, responding to a post by Aphra Behn about the transphobic manifesto that was recently circulated by an anonymous group of self-identified radical feminist academics.

    The thread is at

    The two comments I posted that I thought were pretty decent are at:


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