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Help Georgia high-schoolers throw their first-ever integrated prom

Four Wilcox County high school students are raising money to hold an integrated prom. Racially integrated. Because they don’t have one, because ever since the school itself integrated 30 years ago, the parents have been throwing separate proms. Because it’s the parents, and not the school, who are sponsoring the separate, private proms, they’re legally free to exclude anyone they want. (Last year, the police were called to remove a biracial student who had attempted to enter the white prom.) The school also recently integrated their homecoming court, but not their homecoming dance, so the white king and black queen weren’t allowed to attend the same dance or be photographed together for the yearbook.

A group of friends — Stephanie Sinnot, Mareshia Rucker, homecoming queen Quanesha Wallace, and Keela Bloodworth — are raising money to sponsor an integrated prom. They say they pressed the school for a single prom, but all they could get was a resolution to permit an integrated prom in addition to the segregated ones. So they’re doing the entire thing themselves. “If we don’t change it, nobody else will,” Bloodworth says.

The prom is scheduled for April 27, and the girls are taking care of the DJ and refreshments and venue all on their own. If you want to help them out with a donation, you can do so via their Facebook page.

26 thoughts on Help Georgia high-schoolers throw their first-ever integrated prom

  1. I wonder how soon it will be before people finally let go of skin color and start seeing us all as human beings?

  2. Since facebook is an ass, is there a direct donation link? I can’t see anything beyond the group description without an account.

  3. (Last year, the police were called to remove a biracial student who had attempted to enter the white prom.)

    Oh. My. God. That is horrendous, as is the general idea of racially segregated proms. I mean, I could understand why black students (or any students of color) might want a prom for themselves, but I don’t think for one minute that this is being done for the benefit of POC. And to have a “white prom” where students of color are not allowed?? That is disgusting.

    I guess they don’t approve of interracial couples, either, because these people are really screwed under this system. Also, I wonder which prom non-black students of color attend? My guess would be the black prom. This whole thing is problematic in so many ways.

    1. It’s wild that these people apparently live in such a racist little echo chamber of a social bubble that they can go about having parent-run, racially segregated Proms and do so without any sort of concern for blow back or reprisal. I mean, seriously, I can’t even imagine being at work or at Bunko club or whatever and conversing with others about how the planning of our extra special racist Prom is going so well! And they have clearly gone about undertaking these Proms in such a way that they can probably get away with it from a legal standpoint, because it’s run as a private party instead of as a school-sponsored event. To be so coldly and racistly calculating in operating Prom that way? I can barely wrap my mind around it.

      1. Welcome to small town America. Their graduating class is probably only a bit bigger than mine was so it’s not hard to imagine the depth the roots of this thing go. But for the grace of being north of the Mason-Dixon line and being 90% white this is my frickin’ high school. Traditions abide, be they ever so backward, regressive, or abusive.

        It’s awesome these girls are bucking the system, in a community that small it takes a hell of a lot of courage to step up.

    2. I dont see why its fine for an all black (mixed) prom but not all white prom.
      All that would do is encourage exclusion based on colour which is wrong. no matter what colour or gender we are all the same and its a dance
      It’s horrible to isolate people of any colour.

      1. I dont see why its fine for an all black (mixed) prom but not all white prom.

        When the white prom isn’t going to let the black kids into their prom? You would rather the black kids had no prom at all?

        1. I was responding to the other person saying no one should be excluded and no specified racial proms at all.
          Not that black kids shouldnt have one at all.
          Please read to what I was responding to.

  4. Proud of these kids for taking this on themselves, but holy fuck is it ever sad that it is even necessary for them do so.

  5. Jesus WTF. I can’t even…

    I know the USA is very far from being ‘post-racial,’ but even still this is just mindblowing. I mean WTFOMGBBQ? What the bloody hell is WRONG with people?

    Total props to these brave young women.

  6. Amazing. If these girls haven’t already gotten into good colleges this should make for a great essay.

    Serious question about the legality – is it legal to have a private prom that everyone knows is for the purposes of racial segregation, like this? Is it just that no one has bothered suing, or is it actually legal?

    1. IANAL and have no expertise here, but I’d imagine since it’s private it would probably fall under freedom of association and the like. I understood that to be the whole point of privately paying for the proms – the school couldn’t legally segregate, so the parents were racist enough fucks to dish out the money to host them privately rather than let the school have an integrated prom.

    2. What moviemaedchen said. It’s basically a private party that they call a prom, so they can decide who can attend and who cannot without fear of legal challenges.

  7. No Facebook account and no time for one. Would love to contribute but I need an alternate method. Any info out there?

  8. What was that about a pos-tracial society again? I mean, wow, it wasn’t exactly news to me that racism was alive and well in this day and age, but for it to be this overt, um, is just shocking. I guess I had assumed that the vast majority of racism as it exists in America today was a subtler variety, excluding the actions of hard core white supremicists.

    Also, another thing that bothered me this school

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