In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

Promote away.

52 thoughts on Shameless Self-Promotion Sunday

  1. I started the week out with a light-hearted post on some stories of bizarre customer interactions when I was a cashier.

    Then the week got decidedly less light-hearted and I wrote about the problem of how to handle parenting a child in a country obsessed with guns.

    That post prompted many of the people I grew up (in a rural, Midwestern, gun-happy town) with to get really angry at me, so I wrote a follow-up sharing a story about how gun culture is so pervasive that it blinds us to alternatives and how the solution to just arm everyone completely ignores the fact that many people (including me) don’t want to be armed.

  2. This week I wrote about Private Sector Unions and the claim that they were once useful, but are now obsolete.

    I also wrote about a picture my republican family members have been sending around Facebook. In particular the claim that you can’t “legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity” and the claim that “you cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” I explain why I think these claims are mistaken.

    I wrote about the “Idle No More” uprising of First Nations in Canada.

    And I wrote about a Republican woman who moved to Canada and changed her mind about Universal Health Care once She experienced it.

    1. Holy eff, re: the original advice column. It was probably the first time I read comments and was happy I did so, though, so there’s that.

      Your advice was beautiful. I hope she reads it and it gives her the strength to move forward.

    2. It is a great response to a very scary post, people tend to think advice columnists are a bit of fun, but this shows how dangerous giving media prominence to someone who knows nothing about their subject really is.

  3. Hi-def, 3D dick picks (are not contained in this post) – As a fundraiser for my gender reassignment surgery, I’m selling self-cast dildos and candles. To do so, I got my penis scanned by lasers, and lived to tell the tale.

    Making the private public – turning the tables on transitioning as a public experience – Thoughts on why, exactly, I want to sell my penis.

    Spending money to make money – life as an artist – That phrase, “you have to spend money to make money,” recently started making sense to me

    And, of course, here’s the fundraiser page if you want to support my gender reassignment surgery (and get a penis candle!)

  4. You can get a free Kindle eBook version of my book Why Atheists Love Breasts here. Sample topics:

    * Gen Y Believes in the Future
    * Exercise, Estrogen, and Energy
    * What to Do If You’re Drugged
    * I Want to Be a Bitch Like Hillary
    * Are Men Smarter Than Women? (No)

    If you buy the eBook (on or the printed book (anywhere), all my author royalties are donated to Mount Holyoke College.

    So you can get a good book and support MHC at the same time.

  5. So this Friday a bunch of little kids got shot down while they were going to school. And then everybody with an agenda rushed to pontificate about it.

    I can’t imagine what the victims’ loved ones are going through right now, and I’m not going to try. But I did write an article that debunks some of the BS which inevitably turns up in the media after these murders, and tries to offer some more solid research in its place:

    Mass Murder

  6. I wrote a piece this week called, “Do women avoid salary negotiations? 2 new ways to reduce the gender pay gap.”

    It’s based on a very cool study that looks at the behavior of applicants in actual job searches, and it actually finds that there are pretty easy ways to counter the gender bias in tendencies to negotiate.

    One point I make, for example, is that “when the job announcement itself explicitly raised the possibility of negotiation, then the women were actually more likely than the men to ask for an increase in the advertised wage. More likely! To those of us who have read about this topic before, that is a surprising result.”

    I hope you’ll check it out. Over at my blog, you can also pick up a free pdf of my new eBook, “6 steps to gender equality.”

  7. Pictures Of Crimes – TW: Discussion of Childhood Sexual Assault.

    A Case For Anonymity Online – Even though some people use and abuse it for ill, there are still so many of us that require that anonymity in order to feel comfortable online. This can range from trying to avoid unwanted attention, to being able to express opinions that we otherwise wouldn’t or couldn’t.

    Leaving Unionized Work – I left a unionized position for a large, international corporation.

  8. When scientists discovered HIV in the early 1980s, they slowly started to unravel the secrets of this enigmatic virus. We learned that, while the virus owes its success to its uncanny ability to hijack our immune systems, we could fight aga…inst it with drugs that thwart its progress.

    Read our blog and you, too, can learn the secrets of HIV — how does it target our immune system, and how does an HIV infection cause AIDS?

  9. We both wrote over at hobby on the tragedy in Newtown, perhaps our reactions, from such a distance. (we are in the UK) are best summed up by a conversation. I used to be a kindergarten teacher, i could not help thinking of the children I taught. Carter had to drop his daughter off at pizza hut, whilst wishing to stand guard over her every moment.

    On a very different note I got reblogged on Queers for Jesus, those trying to understand the same sex marriage debate in the UK may find it useful.

  10. Move To Amend presentation (David Cobb)

    Asylum Gallery (local artist Syprian Harvey)

    Our Lady of Guadalupe/links about the upcoming end of the world on 12-21-12

    The “Good Men Project” debacle

  11. Yuletide Youtube continues at Chez Mudd.
    This week
    Fairy tale of New York, Where the River Meets The Sea, Riu Chiu, Merry Christmas from the Family, What do you get a wookiee for Christmas, when he already owns a comb, Gaudete,

    Witch balls, peanut butter/Nutella roll-ups, my great-grandmother’s sugar cookies, rummy bears, cinnamon dough ornaments, Guinness Reinbeers

    I guest-blogged at Speak Its Name, a gay historical novel review site.

    OTOH, since I’ve been tangled up in Space Bounty Hunters, I have written nothing of content.

  12. I decided this year to read only books by women. And then I blogged about it.

    In thinking about my year of reading women, I came up with this idea of the Feminist Compromise: the daily experience of seeing dehumanizing depictions/discussions of women everywhere while wanting to participate in and enjoy popular culture.

    Here’s part one:

    Part two:

    Part three to come later this week about how I was a young academic David Foster Wallace scholar and now I’m avoiding all this year’s books about and by him.

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