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Planned Parenthood, like, totally stole pink. It was so wrong.

Karen Handel, once senior vice president for public policy for the Komen Foundation during the Planned Parenthood defunding controversy, has accused Planned Parenthood of stealing… pink. She made the accusation to the Family Research Council at an event promoting her new book, cleverly and succinctly titled Planned Bullyhood: The Truth Behind the Headlines about the Planned Parenthood Funding Battle with Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Handel asserts that Planned Parenthood was having PR issues, and so they started talking about breast cancer, and then they made everything pink, but they don’t get to do that because they’re not about breast cancer but they want everyone to think they’re cool like Komen so they stole pink, they stole it and it’s not fair.

“The public scrutiny against Planned Parenthood was really growing. Planned Parenthood got that, and they knew they needed to embark on a kind of PR-image campaign,” Handel said. “And when they did that, they decided to make mammograms and that they were a primary of breast health services one of their key messages. As they did that, they talked so much about mammograms, it was drawing Komen into the abortion fight even deeper than the organization ever wanted to be.”

“To them, Planned Parenthood literally co-opted the color pink. And for most people the color pink is associated with what? The fight against breast cancer,” Handel continued. “But Planned Parenthood cloaked itself in that color. Their website changed to pink. Everything they did was pink, pink, pink. Wrapping themselves in what I would call, if you will, a cloak of legitimacy to gain credibility.”

Continued Handel, “Also, Planned Parenthood started wearing cheerleader skirts so everyone would think they were a cheerleader, but they’re so not and it’s so totally obvious. I’d feel sorry for them, but I, like, don’t.”

126 thoughts on Planned Parenthood, like, totally stole pink. It was <em>so</em> wrong.

    1. What is it with Right-wingers and their need to have all their book titles 8 feet long and containing a colon?

      They are periphrastic assholes?

    1. I don’t see how the cheerleader bit could not be tongue in cheek given that Planned Parenthood isn’t a person and thus can’t wear skirts.


        (the same feelings I got when reading this article)

    1. True story:

      I work in advertising and both Pepto-Bismol, Barbie, and Susan G Komen have specific pinks that they use and will make you show them the exact color code you used before they approve creative.

      It should be noted, Planned Parenthood used something closer to Barbie than to Komen pink on their materials.

    1. Am I wrong in thinking the people responsible for the whole PP flap were mostly removed? Maybe I just fell for clever PR, but I was under the impression that the bad actors were gone.

  1. As they did that, they talked so much about mammograms, it was drawing Komen into the abortion fight even deeper than the organization ever wanted to be.

    Is there any possible parsing of that sentence or its context that could make it make the slightest bit of sense?

    And if we’re claiming colors, I want chartreuse for my very own. Both green and yellow.

    1. As far as I can tell, it translates as “they talked about all the medical services they provide as well as abortions, and that included breast cancer screenings – but since we’re all about breast cancer, we look bad for not supporting them, and that’s not fair.”

  2. “And when they did that, they decided to make mammograms and that they were a primary of breast health services one of their key messages. As they did that, they talked so much about mammograms, it was drawing Komen into the abortion fight even deeper than the organization ever wanted to be.”

    Why those BASTARDS, providing and promoting cancer screenings that could save women’s lives.

  3. Oh, wow. Sorry, komen foundation, I’d play you a song but I left my tiny violin next to the stirrups at Planned Parenthood’s new abortionplex.

    Robin’s Egg Blue, FTW!

    1. Excuse me, but i think I have clearly claimed all shades of blue by virtue of it being in my name. Anyone attempting to co-opt any shade of blue from me will be the subject of a scathing lecture.

      1. I can abide by your logic, since it means I get my other favorite crayon, purple mountain’s majesty, by virtue of my handle. Excellent!

  4. Komen, frankly, shouldn’t ever talk about co-opting or stealing anything. Just for kicks one day, take some blood pressure medication and google “Komen Trademark Disputes.” Komen claims to own everything from the pink ribbon to the phrase “for the cure.” They’ve very literally forced smaller charities out of business (like Kites for a Cure) by claiming that they have a trademark on it. They are among the worst abusers of IP laws in this country, and frankly, it warms my heart to see them in this kind of position.

  5. Fuschia is mine!

    I hate that colour, but I figure if I claim it I can keep other people from using it and I won’t ever have to see it again. That’s how this works, right?

    In other unrelated related topics, I am shocked to learn that Handel is deeply entitled and not entirely in touch with reality. Shocked, I say.

      1. I was going to take Puce for that exact reason…but then I realised that I’d own Puce, and I”m just not that altruistic.

      1. most of those whom i know can see infored. it is conspiracy what say most cannot see. most can.

        Just when you think it can’t get any weirder.

        1. Are we sure Tomek isn’t a snake? Typing with a tail or tongue is a good reason to eschew capitalization what with the whole hitting two keys at once thing.

      2. i confuse infored with laser beam. laser beam can be see, if you spray a spray in the air of it. infored you cannot see you are correct

    1. I claim the ENTIRE electromagnetic spectrum! With my time machine, so I can claim it before this thread even started! I demand royalties from all of you, now.

      Seriously, fuck Komen.

    2. Don’t do it! Snakes can see infrared, you’ll be a sitting duck for any and all Parselmouths. (I can only assume they’re also Parseleyed)

  6. I maintain a blog for one of Planned Parenthood’s many affiliates, and the top complaint we get about it from far and wide is that people don’t like the blaring pink. If we stole pink, I’d love to give it back! 😛

    (Not speaking on behalf of Planned Parenthood here.)

    1. I am very annoyed at PP for the garish pink they use. It really bugs the hell out of me. Why pink? such a dorky color and all over my email screen every time they send me a message. So, can’t you do something as an insider? Let them go to some nice easy on the eyes color other than that horrible Barbie pink – like for example cobalt blue, or something. Or teal, I can deal with teal.

    1. As I am sunless, I assert a prior claim to black. Although I will settle for the colour of starlight.

  7. This reminds me of the time a bunch of evangelical Christians, during Albuquerque Pride, were bemoaning how the gay people had stolen the rainbow, which apparently is trademarked by God or something.

    1. There is an entire “Take back the rainbow” movement. I once got a hold of one of their stickers and gave it to my best hulking, bull-dyke buddy at college. She stuck it to her laptop and wrate “you can try” underneath.

    2. Strangely, where I live (Iowa), a large portion of supporters of the pride parade are local Christian churches.

  8. But Planned Parenthood cloaked itself in that color […] Wrapping themselves in […] a cloak of legitimacy to gain credibility.

    You learn something every day.
    The cloak of legitimacy is apparently pink.

    1. Historically the Cloak of Legitimacy is purple (or a vibrant shade of blue). My how things change.

  9. She should talk to carrots. You would not BELIEVE the things they say about oranges. Talk about “literally co-opting” a color…

    1. That analogy is pretty much perfect here because the carrots are 100% wrong. The colour orange was named for the fruit and carrots were specially bred to change them from purple

      1. Do you have a link to some carrot history? That little blurb of a comment you left is fascinating. I did a little Googling, but I’m not finding anything that’s either easy to read or talking about the color change.

  10. PP co-opted pink? I wish someone would tell Target et al. I nearly get pink nausea just walking past clothes or toy sections aimed at girls.

    1. – __ – La Senza. I’ve literally had to down migraine meds after unexpectedly turning a corner to find one of those staring at me.

      1. *shudder* Now I’m imagining a La Senza next to a Lush (it must happen somewhere). The only way the sensory overload could be worse would be if I was simultaneously being rubbed with sandpaper while emery boards were run over styrofoam next to my ears.

        1. Princes Street in Edinburgh. It’s only been like that for a couple of weeks but they are right next to each other.

  11. I have a bright pink Planned Parenthood t-shirt that I got from the affiliate I worked for…in 2006.

    Fuck you, Karen Handel.

  12. Calling brown.

    Y’all are so dapper. Whatever happened to looking drab?

    (My wardrobe is consistently brown and blue).

  13. Continued Handel, “Also, Planned Parenthood started wearing cheerleader skirts …

    Did someone say cheerleader skirts? As in, short cheerleader skirts?

    I can see they know how to get guys on board with what they’re doing. (Well, straight guys, at least.)

        1. The first thing that crosses my mind when Planned Parenthood and cheerleading is mentioned is radical cheerleaders, certainly a group that is no stranger to men in skirts. But maybe its just me that automatically made that leap.

        2. I assumed AMM meant having straight guys looking at women in skirts.

          But hey, I’ll wear a cheerleader skirt!

      1. But what if it’s guys wearing the skirts?

        Why not?

        I know guys who’d enjoy wearing them, me included.

        And I’m pretty sure there are people (of both genders) who’d enjoy looking at guys wearing them (assuming it was done well, of course.)

        This conjures up in my mind a image of Planned Parenthood offices across the country where everyone (men as well as women) wears pink cheerleading uniforms with two script letter “P”s on the front and back in silver glitter.

        And pink pom-poms, of course.

        In reality, of course, we’d all die of pink poisoning, but it’s a fun idea.

        1. The way you phrased it, I thought you meant straight guys looking at women in skirts.

          I did.

          But then you brought up the topic of _men_ in (cheerleader) skirts, a subject near and dear to my heart. The rest is, as they say, history.

  14. I claim black. I am willing to share it with fellow darklings though.

    But let’s get real. Isn’t pink associated with girls and women? And don’t people associate reproductice health with women (despite the fact that men have reproductive bits as well)? So wouldn’t pink and reproductive health therefore go together well?

  15. Is azure available? I’m up for azure. And srsly, they should see my new CB2 rug – talk about cloaking oneself (or one’s home) in pink 😉

  16. Those socialists in the Republican party stole red.

    I have a great feminist argument against abortion: “Pregnant women who need abortions need them because of the patriarchy, so denying women the abortions they need will end the patriarchy somehow.”

    Plant Parenthood stole a terrible color because #ffcc33 is the best coloUr ever and I have a question:

    Should it be illegal to get an abortion if you’re not pregnant? Because I feel that abortion would be the right choice because I can’t afford to raise a child and I will have to quit my nonexistent job but I am a cismale virgin so I am not pregnant yet so what should I do.

    No, I don’t know the point of this post.

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