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17 thoughts on Breaking news

  1. i’m from massachusetts, and this is an example of why i love living here.

    i called senator kerry’s office to thank him for trying to mount a fillibuster. alito is clearly a fringe candidate, no less so than bork was, and the democrats should take a stand.

  2. I guess somebody’s gotta put on a show for the base. Five Senate Dems are now on record against the filibuster- this is just political theater to drum up a few more last-minute donations for PFAW.

  3. I am amazed, disappointed and saddened that Sen Byrd has indicated he’ll be voting to confirm. This was a shock. I lost a little respect for him today.

  4. i’m delighted at this move by kerry. did you notice how lame the cnn story was, though?

    at the end it says “this will make democrats look bad.” i guess representing the will of the american people does that, in the eyes of the media. oh well.

  5. The fifth Dem is Ken Salazar; he is voting no on the nomination but won’t support a filibuster. The others, as mentioned above, are Byrd, Landrieu, Johnson, and Ben Nelson.

  6. I lost a little respect for him today.

    But the fact that Byrd used the word “nigger” a few years back had your respect at an all-time high? No matter weak protestations about context, the proprieters of this blog would shit an accordian if someone with an “R” in front of their name said that, nevermind actually being a Kleagle in the Klan, or filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act, or opposing the nomination of Thurgood Marshall to the Supreme Court (I’d make a point of Condi and Clarence Thomas’s confirmations, but I know they don’t ‘count’ as real black people in certain quarters).

    Yet somehow, in this crazy, wacka-doodle world, Alito is painted as a racist by Ted Kennedy because he belonged to a right-wing student group, a group where some member jagoff wrote bad satire (two years after he left college) that can be read on the Senate floor at his SCOTUS confirmation hearings – ironically by the aforementioned admired massachusetts Senator that left a woman to die in an automobile and failed to notify authorities in his youth – while a commenter on a liberal blog earnestly indicates his waning respect for Byrd, respect dimmed only after he didn’t futiley oppose a judicial nominee “fringe candidate” that will ostensibly maintain the “patriarchy,” and not because of the more fundamental judgment that the crazy old West Virginia coot is a sleazy political windsock, and possibly still even a racist. The only reason I say “possibly still a racist,” is because the rascal is so insincere, I can’t even figure how much he really hated black people in the first place, vs. just did it for the votes.

    Black is white, ivory is ebony, CROCKETT IS EFFIN’ TUBBS.



  7. Thanks for posting the Kerry info; we’d already written letters to Clinton and Schumer. Perhaps there’s still some chance one of them will do the right thing and support a filibuster.

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