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“I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.”

Er, well, maybe the White House could have, because they were warned:

In the 48 hours before Hurricane Katrina hit, the White House received detailed warnings about the storm’s likely impact, including eerily prescient predictions of breached levees, massive flooding, and major losses of life and property, documents show.

A 41-page assessment by the Department of Homeland Security’s National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center (NISAC), was delivered by e-mail to the White House’s “situation room,” the nerve center where crises are handled, at 1:47 a.m. on Aug. 29, the day the storm hit, according to an e-mail cover sheet accompanying the document.

The NISAC paper warned that a storm of Katrina’s size would “likely lead to severe flooding and/or levee breaching” and specifically noted the potential for levee failures along Lake Pontchartrain. It predicted economic losses in the tens of billions of dollars, including damage to public utilities and industry that would take years to fully repair. Initial response and rescue operations would be hampered by disruption of telecommunications networks and the loss of power to fire, police and emergency workers, it said.

In a second document, also obtained by The Washington Post, a computer slide presentation by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, prepared for a 9 a.m. meeting on Aug. 27, two days before Katrina made landfall, compared Katrina’s likely impact to that of “Hurricane Pam,” a fictional Category 3 storm used in a series of FEMA disaster-preparedness exercises simulating the effects of a major hurricane striking New Orleans. But Katrina, the report warned, could be worse.

Heckuva job, indeed. No wonder the White House doesn’t want to release documents showing Katrina-related communications among White House staff.

Update: The Rude Pundit on why Katrina’s not going away.

11 thoughts on “I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.”

  1. At this point, does it really matter? Aren’t there more important things to deal with today and tomorrow? See link

  2. Oh…My…GOD! You mean someone had the foresight, the uncanny, oracle-like power to predict that, if a major hurricane made a direct hit on NO, it would cause, “…economic losses… damage to public utilities and industry …[and that] Initial response and rescue operations would be hampered by disruption of telecommunications networks and the loss of power to fire, police and emergency workers…”

    Talk about prescient….

  3. At this point, does it really matter? Aren’t there more important things to deal with today and tomorrow?

    Such as?

    Why do you think it doesn’t matter that the president lied to the public about what he and the people who were charged with handling this disaster knew, and when they knew it? Why do you think it doesn’t matter that they’re stonewalling investigators?

    Joel, it certainly provides further evidence that the judgment of this unpopular president (I believe his approval rating stands at 36% currently) should not be trusted.

  4. Bush’s approval rating isn’t great, but it’s in the mid-40’s, not 36%, and has been trending upward, in spite of especially fierce Democratic attacks related to Katrina and the Alito nomination.

  5. It’s not the Democrats who are depressing his poll numbers, it’s his own performance.

    You got dat right.

  6. If it’s already come out that the Admin had two days advanced warning and ignored it anway, these documents must show that Bush is thousands of times more incompetent than previously thought.

  7. I recall seeing a Frontline special two years prior to this distaster, I know it because that was during my “still willing to pay for cable” period.

    It has been known for quite a long time that New Orleans was especially vulnerable to a large scale disaster, possibly being completely flooded and its infrastructure totally overwhelmed and wiped out, a lot like Katrina.

    ALso, it has been known for quite some time, I’d say about two years running at least that the ocean has been warming and weather trends are showing more frequent and more ferocious hurricanes along warm gulf areas.

    If the president were honest what he’d really say would have be, “Well, Dick, Carl and the rest of us decided that we had other more important priorities, such as enriching ourselves at the public trough.”

  8. ZuZzzzu, if they don’t print my blog link, I cannot make my point. Therefore, it’s time for a copy and paste job. Hopefully this will clear up my previous post:

    The Secret Is Out – Someone Screwed Up–Wow, You Could Knock Me Over With a Feather!

    White House to stay mum on Katrina

    WASHINGTON, Jan. 25 (UPI) — The Bush Administration is refusing to allow staff to testify on the government’s response to Hurricane Katrina, citing concern for confidentiality.

    That’s the stuff websites were loaded with yesterday, today and probably for days to come. The position of the President reminds me of the 5th amendment and the poor slob who uses it so not to incriminate himself. Whenever someone refuses to answer a question using the 5th amendment—one word always pops into my head—guilty!

    I suppose there may be some validity to this decision to withhold information but quite frankly, looking around me, there isn’t much to keep confidential. We are now in one hell of a mess and it doesn’t matter today if the White House or The Governor’s Mansion in Louisiana or the Mayor’s Office in New Orleans dropped the ball. Besides, us folks down here are pissed at the lot of you anyway.

    What does matter is that some progress be made—and I don’t mean “progress” of the parties at the cost of victims of Katrina. I have seen committees led by Republicans rake the Democratic Governor of Louisiana and the Democratic Mayor of New Orleans over the coals for the sake of grandstanding for the Grand Old Party. “Them Democrats (Jackasses) ain’t no saints neither” thought I with my “New Awlens” accent!

    Joseph Lieberman (D) Conn. was in town last week and took a tour of the devastated areas of New Orleans with some of his colleagues from the Senate. He was astounded to see how little progress had been made since early September. Mary Landrieu (D) La. remarked on WWL radio Tuesday morning (1/24/06) that Lieberman told her the Federal response (Translation: Republican response) was inadequate. Evidently, Mary and Joseph (There’s a joke there; just can’t seem to put my finger on it, and if I could; don’t think I would) saw no need to discuss any short comings of Governor Blanco or Mayor Nagin; both Democrats.

    Folks, I am going to keep this short. I am getting tired of the politically motivated b.s. by both parties. George W. is not going to release anything to embarrass his administration. (You would think they would have built up an immunity by now) The Democrats will do whatever it takes to embarrass Republicans and the White House. Republican leaders will do whatever it takes to embarrass the Democrats.

    Citing concern for confidentiality by the White House is ludicrous. There is only one thing to be concerned about and let me tell you, Al Qaeda already knows about the importance of New Orleans. In fact, as far as I can tell, Al Qaeda probably has a better understanding of the importance of this city than most people in this country, including the vast majority of the 535 elitists in Washington, D.C.

    You can take out New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, Miami, etc; the loss of any of these cities would not come close to the impact this country would feel with the loss of New Orleans.

    (See Tuesdays posting)

    We were not prepared for Katrina at any level of Government. Made no difference if it was led by a Republican or a Democrat. So let’s just get over it and get down to business.

    And one more thing. After witnessing what has happened to New Orleans, how does your city stack up against a catastrophic event; let’s say a multiple dirty bomb attack? How well will your city fare if 80% of your town is contaminated with radiation poison? What impact will the loss of your city have on this country compared with the loss of the Port of New Orleans? (If you don’t know the answer, you didn’t read Tuesday’s posting)

    It is time to put the political differences behind us and put all the information on the table. And let’s not have a freakin’ hissy over what went wrong during the days leading up to the arrival of Katrina. It’s been Five (5) months! Not only do we need to speak with one voice, we must listen and learn with an intellectual level that supersedes political causes and callings—that is; with the common sense of one common cause and that is rebuilding New Orleans.

    Let us dwell on what is going wrong five (5) months following the arrival of Katrina.

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