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Are Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown Getting Divorced?

I don’t really care, but I really needed an excuse to offer this for download.

Sometimes there’s something everybody is thinking and somebody’s gotta say it.

9 thoughts on Are Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown Getting Divorced?

  1. If so, I look forward to Whitney’s inevitable appearance on Oprah.

    As she rehabilitates her career, do you think she would team up with, or declare war on, Celine Dion?

  2. Yes. The “Saving All My Love” bit was perfect.

    Oo! Oo! Speaking of which (again, if this is true, and not just “Bobby was overheard lying to some groupies”), there will be just huge potential for “My Name is not Susan” Jokes.

  3. Heh, Whitney and Bobby. One of the funniest bits on the Boondocks involved their reality TV show. To which Grand dad replied “You know… I think they might be on drugs!”

    /me goes to download song.

  4. You lost me here Lauren. My first thought on this is little ditty, as sweet as the tune was, was “victim blamming”

    Surely, Whitney has some complicity in her own Crazy. But at the risk of dissecting a frog, the fact that Bobby is clearly human ballstank is the point. That’s why it’s funny. The whole “Whitney, what’d you do to that angel?” thing is the source of the comedy, because of course, as the linked article says, “Seriously, Kevin Federline has nothing on Bobby Brown when it comes to destroying women.”

    Someday I will write my treatise on why Whitney and Bobby are the Ultimate Evil Union representing the downfall of R&B for those 15 or so lost years that we only started emerging from around the turn of the millennium (for serious, I blame New Edition for the sorry state of R&B for most of the 80’s and 90’s). Until then, know that even within the context of any contempt for the pair of their drug-addled asses, I think we all have more sympathy for Whitney. Barely.

  5. It took this long? All I could think while listening to Heartbreak Hotel (“It’s not right, but it’s ok”,” heartbreak hotel”, and “i learned from the best”) was, “What did Bobby do?!””

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