In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set || First feminist blog on the internet

FNTT Season 8, Round 1: the Yr Blog Sux! edition

Background on FNTT here. Today’s contenders want to let us know that Feministe is Teh Worst! As usual, the comments below the fold are abusive, insulting and may be triggering. Vote for your favorite below!

1. lamers (email:

you are all retarded. get off your couch and go outside!

2. ron_mahogany (website:

This site sucks. What a bunch of angry hairy lesbians.

3. Ebo

All this fuckin site does is bitch bitch bitch about one fuckin dudes joke. get over it and move the fuck on with your life. that site probably got twice the veiws because you fuckin spent like 4 articles writing about something some horney teenage boy did. it means fucking nothing.

4. hater (email:

your blog is shit, i dont know why but it comes up as my facebook homepage. its shit and your a btich. fix it

5. KS

Q: UHHHH…is this a website for angry, loose western whores (read: someone else’s left overs) with self-esteem issues?
A: It is indeed.
Rape. Rape. Rape.

60 thoughts on FNTT Season 8, Round 1: the Yr Blog Sux! edition

  1. Gotta go with KS for the random/creepiness of including rape rape rape at the end, but ron gets a close second for that awesome fake email. (rolls eyes)

  2. While I always love a goof MGTOW like KS, I have to vote for hater, who is assailed by the dual forces of women and so-hard-to-use-information technology.

    Good luck, hater!

  3. What does the fourth one mean by “Facebook homepage”? Someone doesn’t know how the Internet works. Or is just too stupid to articulate what he actually means.

  4. Points to KS, but this isn’t a hard one imo. Gotta go with hater, for insulting Jill while requesting she fix zie’s Facebook settings.

  5. KS is trying too hard. I’m voting for hater, whose combination of “your a btich” and “fix it” is charming.

  6. Had to go with the rape rape rape. Also, I like how ze thinks you have to read between the lines of “loose western whores” to find “someone else’s left overs.” Hahaha

  7. I’m tempted to vote for Ron for “hairy” or for KS for his deposition-like “Q. A.” format.

    But, I gotta go with hater because it is too funny that somehow the universe (actually, probably some mistake he has made) has designed it so that this “shit” blog comes up repeatedly on his computer- and also for his demand to Jill that she “fix it.”

  8. It was a difficult choice for me. The “Rape. Rape. Rape.” sure got my attention, but in the end I had to go with hater. Poor hater can’t spell and doesn’t understand the internet or browsers at all, and blames feminists for the problems caused by this.

  9. I like to think that some clever woman in hater’s life took it upon herself to make his browser show Feministe by default.

  10. I’ve used to be a fan of the “angry hairy lesbians” talk, but it’s getting old. A little Q&A that ends with “Rape. Rape. Rape.” however is so blatantly WTF that it gets my vote.

  11. This may be random, but is anyone else getting a visual of KS, maybe with a flashlight, standing in front of a mirror in a darkened bathroom and saying “Rape. Rape. Rape.” to himself in a scary voice? Like Candyman/Bloody Mary/whatever?

  12. Well, Ebo’s “fucking nothing” made me think of him vigorously thrusting at the empty air, which he would deserve to be doing. And hater was great for the transpo in “bitch” and the demand to fix his FB page. But I had to go with KS for the image I got of Miss Kitty and a dozen or so of her “saloon ladies” riding through the tumbleweeds and sagebrush on their horses, shaking their fists at the sky. Getting the hell out of Dodge, I guess? And KS is the postal abbreviation for Kansas, hahalolz!

  13. I also went with KS, for his strange ritualistic chanting. I assume that’s how he signs off on all his emails as well.

    I do like the idea of some guy’s Facebook account getting hacked to redirect him here all the time, though.

  14. Okay, I voted for KS for obvious reasons. But now I feel bad for lamers who only has two votes as I write this, and I am fairly sure is my uncle. How’s the Coors Light going down Uncle Bill?

  15. I have to give props to lamers for the use of “you are” as opposed to “your” as so often seems to be utilized in these situations, e.g. hater, actually. hater vs. KS is a really tough call – you suck, fix my interwebs vs. Rape. Rape. Rape. Name notwithstanding, I think KS hates better than hater, though.

  16. Had to go with KS for “rape rape rape,” “loose Western whores,” AND answering his own question.

  17. Had to go with KS for “loose western whores.” Makes me feel like we should all be wearing bodices and hanging out in saloons. Who’s in?

  18. So… I haven’t commented here at Feministe yet (although I’ve been an avid reader), but I really wanted to report that hater’s “fix it” seriously made me laugh for at least 4 minutes. Not even exaggerating.

  19. “angry, loose western whores” is pretty great. I like the idea of a bunch of pissed off saloon ladies with guns from the Feministe logo.

  20. Hater, for 1. throwing a tantrum because he has no idea how a computer works, 2. apparently believing that computer is synonymous with ‘facebook machine.’

  21. Hater, hands down. “Fix it.” I mean, his total puzzlement at how the internets work, followed by demands that you fix it for him! So cute. It put me in mind of that xkcd strip about they ragey YouTube comments.

  22. I love the idea of us hanging out in a western saloon being “loose”.

    But, my vote has to go to hater for lack of grammar skills, general cluelessness about FB & homepages, and the demand that Jill fix it after zie insults her because “btiches” (sic) are better at that stuff than zie… That sort of cluelessness and sense of entitlement is just too deliciously ironic to pass up.

  23. I like to think that some clever woman in hater’s life took it upon herself to make his browser show Feministe by default.

    This. There’s just something deeply satisfying about imagining poor hater struggling at basic internet tasks like changing one’s homepage and it just gets more satisfying the longer I think about it.

    Oh look, the image in my head just fell of their chair! Ah, imaginary slapstic, you will never get old.

  24. Ron. Because, in my imagination, voting for him will make him show up at my house and be forced to smell my hairy armpits.

  25. The command of the English language displayed in these troll-posts just leaves my mouth agape and eyes agog.

  26. Yes it’s hard to bypass ‘fix it biatch!11’, but I like the idea that lamers seems to think we all collectively sit around on a single couch.

    How big is the internetz again?

  27. I had to go for hater, because of his impeccable logic and piteous plea for help. The internet tubes are clogged; it must be the feminists’ fault.

  28. KS, for sure. He’d better remember that we loose Western women may be carrying six-shooters (Southern gals have automatics) and keep his rape-obsessed self at home on the sofa.
    The other three deserve dishonorable mention for their cluelessness about grammar and spelling. Who let the third-grade dropouts use their computers?

  29. Hater, for a delightful combination of misogyny and utter incompetence. Get off my lawn, you feminists!

  30. I imagine KS randomly blurting RAPE, mid-sentence, or at other at totally inappropriate moments. It must be difficult.

  31. its shit and your a btich. fix it

    This is so funny! Coupled with the comment about his Facebook home page, it just made me laugh for half an hour nonstop. I can almost imagine him jumping up and down, grunting while he bludgeons his monitor with a wooden club.

    Dumbasses can infuriate you, but at times they can also be a good belly laugh.

  32. I voted for number 5, although I almost voted for 2 for being so very succinct. But the Q and A format as well as the “rape rape rape” won out in the end.

  33. Angry ranting? Bold statements ruined by spelling errors? Domineering, make-me-a-sandwich-style demands to fix his homepage? Hater takes this one!

  34. Mr. Facebook for sure. Not only is the ineptitude with the interwebs gut-bustingly hilarious, but he tops it off with the witty “you’re shit and a btich” retort.

    Mr. KS rape-fantasizer was also a consideration, but evidently his “silence of the lambs” mentality needs professional mental counseling, not troll awards!

  35. Hairy, angry, lesbians! OMG! Who knew?
    I knew I liked this site for a reason. I’m single ladies. Call me 😉

  36. Just had to go with hater. Misspellings, grammar, and this blog being his homepage on FB. That last one is a classic.

    I just think the last one was trying too hard.

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